Mapuzo: Escape from...
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Mapuzo: Escape from the Empire

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Ninja Nin
Posts: 24
Rising Member Crim Empire
Topic starter

This Era Build is set during the Reign of the Empire

1. Avoiding the Empire , Built by @ninja-nin

After Obi-Wan shot the stormtroopers, he and Princess Leia Organa ran to the checkpoint gate and attempted to open it. When the lever did not open the gate, Kenobi shot at the control panel, which let them through.


2. Limitless Vader , Built by @brick_roy

When night fell, Darth Vader arrived, walked through the streets of the settlement, terrorizing civilians and killing at random in order to draw Kenobi out.


3. Hiding on Mapuzo , Built by @brick_roy

Obi-Wan told Tala to get Leia to Alderaan while he distracted Vader. He fleed into a nearby quarry, where he was pursued by Vader.


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This topic was modified 1 year ago by Ninja Nin


Posted : 20/10/2023 2:51 pm
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 24/10/2023 8:00 pm