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[Solved] NJO Book II | Chapter II - Before the Walls of Ossar Kolv

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Goaded by warriors from the town of OSSAR KOLV, the JEDI embark on a diplomatic mission of peace. But Ator Hollos is an inhospitable place, and its people are no different...

From a narrow cleft in the moss-green rock, the small group of Jedi appeared.  They wore hoods, their cloaks pulled tightly around them to ward off the frigid air.

After hours of walking the uneven highlands of Ator Hollos, they each breathed a sigh of relief now that they had finally reached their destination. The rough, natural stone gave way to the hewn bricks of a guard wall that crossed the canyon, flanked by two tall towers, their surfaces pockmarked with peepholes and gaps. Their approach must have been reported by a scout—watchmen lined the ramparts and the muzzles of slugthrowers and scatterguns poked out over the wall.

Nokori tensed, and heard gasps from the Jedi initiates behind her as they caught sight of the guns. She held her gaze on the guard wall, but put out a hand to calm her them. It wasn't only the students who were afraid. 

Jun stood close by.

"Do you sense it?" she asked him quietly.

He tilted his chin in a slight nod, pursing his lips. "Fear. Lots of fear."

Nokori stepped forward, leaving the group of Jedi to occupy the open space just before the wall. Two dozen guns shifted to find her in their sights, and hisses slipped out of the guards. Her senses enhanced by the Force, she caught the whispers as they drifted down to her - tense, threatening murmurs. They grew louder as she slowly lowered her hood to reveal her face underneath—youthful, determined, but outwardly at peace. She had left her hair down, a decision she had second-guessed multiple times since leaving. She wanted to be sure of the impression she made. She decided she would have to be at peace with things as they were.

"May all who dwell within your lands know peace and flourishing," She called to those standing atop the wall.

These were the words of her home—her years spent as her villages' shrine maiden on Hiju. Words like these, words of peace, were taught to her as sacred. 

"I will come no closer without your permission. I am Nokori Imani, a knight of the Jedi Order. I'm accompanied by a number of my fellow Jedi. We have made our home in the old Monastery on the mountain called Grandmother, with the permission of its other inhabitants. Though we are new to this planet, we have survived many dangers. We come to you now that we might form bonds with your people and explore the possibilities of cooperation. We hope that such a partnership would benefit us all."

She watched with eyes like black iron as a face appeared over the ramparts. Unfortunately, it was a face she recognized, the only face she recognized here—the hard face of Gonng Zall, who had provoked them the day before and made this trip so immediately necessary.

He glanced from side to side at his militia. She could tell by their posture that they deferred to him as their leader. He stood straight-backed and proud, and she saw the slightest hint of a self-satisfied smile disappear from his face as he settled into his role as stalwart defender.

Worry threatened the edges of her mind. Zall held great influence, and he obviously despised the Jedi.

"What a surprise!" He cried, and his words echoed off the canyon walls. "I expected the honored Prophet. Or if not him, one of our returning patrols, not some . . ." He sneered, searching for words to spit over the walls. ". . . Band of pathetic, moldy hermits. Begone, Jedi! You have nothing we want! This is the invincible town of Ossar Kolv! The dangerous men before you are its watchers, and we stand against all threats, all foes. We give no quarter to outsiders! Begone, and never return!"

This was reinforced by a chorus of jeers and shouts from the guards lining the walls. Some of these shouts, Nokori noticed, were crude remarks about her in particular.

"Good talk," Jun muttered darkly behind her.

There was a sudden disturbance on the wall. Many of the guards turned to look back at something the Jedi could not see.

"Elders are coming!" went the shout.

The atmosphere changed; the raucous attitude of the men rapidly yielding to a posture of respectful dignity. Gonng Zall's brow twitched, and he swore.

"Who told them?" he spat.

The men closest by looked away to avoid the accusation.

The Jedi waited as the guard separated to allow for the Elders to ascend the wall. There were two of them, both older, as to be expected, and regaled in ceremonial wear. The one on the left was accompanied by a child. They seemed to Noko wiser than anyone else sharing the parapets.

"Elders Adamora, Torpin. Honored and wise are you, revered among Ossar Kolv," said Zall, bowing quickly. "I am surprised to see my Elders; the situation is under control, I have—"

The Elder called Adamora raised a hand suddenly to silence him. Zall clammed up, visibly upset that his leadership had been usurped, just like that.

Elder Torpin, a wrinkled Neimodian, scowled down at the Jedi. 

"This day is sacred to our town," she called. "You are not the guest of honor we expected. Your presence is an insult. We allow no outsiders here. You say you are Jedi?"

Nokori's voice was clear as she replied. "Yes. We mean no offense. We did not know of your sacred day."

"Jedi were warriors of the Republic, so our records say. Have you come to take our city?"

"No," Nokori again said calmly. "We are aligned only with the balanced Force. We are here to offer our services as friends."

The Elder scrunched up her face, narrowing her eyes as she looked them over from a distance. "You're lying."

Elder Adamora frowned, and turned aside to his colleague. "What cause have you, Elder Torpin, to believe they are lying?"

"They have the faces of liars," she spat. "Gonng Zall told us of his encounter with them at their Monastery. They showed no hospitality to his men when he asked for water to refresh their Orrllgs. We shall show no hospitality to them, either."

"Now, just one moment, Elder Torpin. We have not met peaceful outsiders in many years. Are you not the least bit curious?"

"Curiosity is a death sentence," growled Elder Torpin. "You know as well as I, Adamora. Welcoming in these vagabonds will bring nothing but trouble. Our village needs no distractions, we have enough on our hands as it is."

"You are right that we have many troubles, Elder Torpin," said Elder Adamora, with a small smile. "Perhaps these Jedi will be of use to us?"

"Say what you mean, Elder Adamora. If you wish to use these Jedi and their 'service', on your own head be it. The other Elders will disapprove. Today is the day of the Ceremony of the Gifted. It is far too momentous to be wasting time with these visitors. The Prophet will be here any moment."


The other Elder sucked in breath, catching sight of movement behind the group of Jedi. His voice lowered, reverently.


"He is here now."


As he said, a lone figure emerged from the same rocky path as that of the Jedi. Silence fell over those on the wall as the tone in the air changed. It was as though the Jedi were forgotten. All eyes turned to this man, and every weapon fell to the ground in his honor.

He was hunched over, elderly in a way that seemed ancient, as though he were old acquaintances with the ground beneath his feet. His shoulders were wrapped in a variety of robes and he walked with the aid of a tall wooden staff, a golden pendant gleaming at its top. His dark, lined face was crowded by a mane of bushy black hair. The Jedi turned to watch him approach along the path toward the town wall, his soft humming the only sound in the canyon. 

He reached them, and smiled.

"Ahhhh, Jedi, Jedi. I did not expect to see you again so soon."

Nokori recognized him from their first day on Ator Hollos. The Hermit in the woods.

"Greetings. You called yourself Oku, is that right?"

"I am honored you remember. It is good to see you again, so good. So good. You come to Ossar Kolv on a heavy day. It is a sacred day," said the Hermit, now turning to address those on the wall.

"A sacred day. These Jedi are new to our world. Perhaps they should witness the Ceremony of the Chosen. They come seeking friendship, they will not harm anyone. Please, let them pass, as guests of mine. Guests of mine."

There was quiet on the walls. Then, an Elder spoke.

"Oh, wise Oracle! O, all-knowing Prophet! Your judgement is certain, your wisdom is sound. Let the outsiders be watched closely, but let them pass, as the Oracle says! We shall meet and discuss this 'partnership', when the Ceremony has concluded. Count yourselves fortunate, Outsiders. Rarely are your kind permitted to witness such a sacred day. The people of Ossar Kolv do not trust lightly. If you would have our friendship, it must be earned. Allow them in."

Gonng Zall and his men did not quickly move to respond to this.

The Elder turned on them furiously.

"You dare question not only your Elder, but the Oracle himself? You leave not only the Outsiders, but the Honored One waiting on our doorstep. Obey, now, without question! Or suffer the consequences."

This made the guard leap into action, and soon the gates opened slowly to reveal the town inside.

Nokori looked at her fellow Jedi. Jun shrugged. The Initiates waited for her word.

She nodded. "Some may try to provoke us. You must not let them. Be people of peace and balance. You represent the Force."


Thanks for looking!

This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by RocketBoy
This topic was modified 2 years ago by RocketBoy
This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 29/08/2022 8:47 pm
Simulterious reacted
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Again your brilliant storytelling captivates, and the photos sprinkled along, makes the story come to life. I swear for a moment I imagined this all play out as an episode of SW Visions.

The build itself is also beautiful. The idea is simple, but the execution works really really well! The whole classic city wall/ground interaction is perfect! Great job!

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 15/09/2022 6:23 pm
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Darth Bjorn
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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 15/10/2022 10:44 am