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[Solved] (NJO) (Druffin) Lesson: The Force

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Druffin: Lesson I: The Force

This world held many strange sights, but it was a strange sound that led Nokori down a narrow stairway she’d not explored earlier. The sound was halfway between a howl and a hoot; new but somehow familiar to the Jedi Counsellor.

The passageway lightened and soon Noko emerged onto a small ledge that ended in sheer drops down the mountain face. The remnants of a stone wall marked off one side of the platform while strange twisted trees framed the other. A chill wind swept the platform and swayed the various trees and bushes eking out life.

Noko immediately saw the source of the eerie sound. Standing right at the cliff edge stood a tall alien covered in shaggy grey fur. With its back to her and arms raised, she saw the alien’s shoulders rise and the keening howl burst forth again.

“Druffin,” she called out. The howl faded away and the alien turned to face her - one of the Jedi initiates they had recently brought to the planet Ator Hollos. He was a member of the Talz species hailing from the ice-swept world of Alzoc III. Thick, grey fur covered his body apart from a balder patch on the face, where four black and beady eyes were set. Noko had spent a little bit of time with the trainee, remembering he was one of those injured during the crash landing on storm-tossed planet.

“Master Nokori.” Druffin inclined his head in respect. “I didn’t see you there.” Druffin’s voice, translated by a small vocodoer on his neck was a deep baritone. Noko wondered briefly whether he had chosen the voice himself or it was preprogrammed. 

“I only just arrived. I heard your … call. It sounded sad…” her voice trailed off.

Druffin turned back to the cliff face, the wind fluffing his fur out so that he seemed suddenly larger. He didn’t speak immediately but when he did words burst forth in an angry tumble.

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this! I didn’t leave my family, my tribe, just to be imprisoned on some backwater world. And Master Katarn - he just abandoned us. He told me - he promised me - that he’d be here to teach me. He owes me for the help we gave on Alzoc!”

There was a lot to unpack there for Noko. She knew that Kyle had invited the Talz to join the Order but she didn’t know the backstory. Druffin’s distress, though, radiated so strongly from him.

“Imprisoned? Go on, Druffin.”

Druffin turned back to the woman, his eyes blinking rapidly. “Yes, imprisoned. My people were enslaved by the Empire for decades, forced to work in mines that destroyed our delicate world. No one knew - or at least, no one cared. We only just gained our freedom and there is so much to rebuild. And yet here I am trapped who knows where? No one knows! And judging by Katarn, no one cares!”

When the Jedi travellers landed on Ator Hollos, they’d encountered a hostile force almost immediately.  Master Kyle Katarn had appeared to voluntarily go with - or at least hadn't resisted being taken by - the strange warriors, leaving the Jedi group without its main leader.

“You know, three of my sisters died fighting off the first Imperial invasion of Alzoc and another two brothers died repelling the last of the Imperial slavers. I came here to make them proud; to make all my clan proud; and here we are trapped ourselves!”

“Druffin, I’m so sorry. This is not how any of us thought this would go. I’m fortunate enough to be the only one with family here and I still find it tough. But there is opportunity here and you have already learned so much. I’ve seen how hard you’re working on meditation, on the lightsaber forms…”

That at least got a hoot from Druffin, which Noko recognised as humour. In Druffin’s mind, he was giving the Rodian Meego a run for his credits as the worst in class for combat training. “My people are less … fierce … than our cousins on Plutonia”, he interjected.

“…on discerning the Living Force. This,” Noko waved her hand to encompass the whole view of the surrounding mountains and valley, “is all part of our journey to train the next generation of Jedi. I do believe we are serving the Force, even here.” 

Noko gently took the Talz’ arm. “Close your eyes - all four of them! Now, reach out with your senses with me. Soak up the Force but also let your frustrations out too.”

Noko relaxed. The bite of the wind subsided as she perceived, instead, a gentle warmth in the air representing tiny insects and pollen particles transported on the thermal currents. The roots of the twisted trees felt to her like hot copper wires stretching deep into the solid rock. She felt tension in her shoulders that she’d forgotten was even there drain away. She felt Druffin relax too. “Tell me, what do you sense?”

After a pause: “Distress.”

Noko gritted her teeth involuntarily. She hoped she’d been able to help the initiate but perhaps that had been too much to expect. She opened her eyes. “You did share a lot and make yourself vulnerable. Some distress is still to be expected…”

“No, I don’t *feel* distressed... I *sense* it!”

Druffin pulled away from the woman and lay on his belly near the edge of the ledge. He reached his arm down, straining to reach something. He stood and slowly uncurled the talons on his hand. Curled inside was a small, blue lizard with large white eyes. The lizard quivered, showing what looked like a cut from a claw or tooth across its back. Druffin carefully stroked the critter, calming it down.

Noko squeezed Druffin's shoulder in appreciation. “You could sense that through the Force? Huh. I’m impressed.”

“In the ice caves back home, life is scarce. We have to be pretty mindful of it all, whether scrabbling lichens, biting torsk or crawling snow slugs. I guess I was trying to sense the small stuff that might remind me of home…”

Noko smiled, intrigued. "In my culture we have a saying ‘Grace builds upon nature.’ I’ve come to see that the Force works in similar ways. It can manifest in ways that reinforce the skills and instincts of the followers of the Force. For you, Druffin, that could be your instinct and empathy for life - especially the vulnerable. Let’s spend more time on your ‘Sense’ abilities. For now, though, maybe we should see if Ma-Riki can do anything to heal up this little critter you’ve found. It seems to like you.”

Druffin hooted softly. The lizard was now curled into his palm, eyes closed. Noko hoped that having someone to care for would draw the shaggy initiate away from his own troubles and out into the shared challenges of the academy.

Build notes

This is my first NJO build, introducing Druffin. Thanks for looking and reading. I hope you enjoy! Flickr link

This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy

Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 19/06/2022 8:26 am
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

Fantastic story and a gorgeous build!  The plants and rock-work are beautiful, but I'm most interested in your story!  Can't wait to hear more from Druffin!

Posted : 20/06/2022 7:27 pm
Eyrezer reacted
Posts: 33
Rising Member Pentastar Alignment

I really enjoy your builds man. They're just soo unique and feature some awesome npu. Great Story as well!

Posted : 20/06/2022 9:02 pm
Eyrezer reacted
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Posted : 05/07/2022 6:38 pm