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[Solved] (NJO) (Lyra) lesson : Diplomacy

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Nutttter Butttter
Posts: 21
Rising Member Pentastar Alignment
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[Admin] Entry Score | 6 XP


Insects scurried across the planet's surface, across the path which Lyra had been following. She had set off with Jamidua, a young boy who had been her partner in a few Combat lessons. His company seemed to lighten the mood, with his timid shyness being quite humorous for Lyra. Infact, he had begun to grow on her.

“Can we stop for a rest?” Jami wondered in a tired tone, placing his bag by a fallen tree.

Lyra did the same.

“What do you reckon is around us?” Lyra asked, pulling a piece of fish out of her bag and placing it on a leaf in the middle of the two.

Jamidua looked at her “What do you mean, as in creatures?” He responded hesitantly “I would say…Insects…”

“No” Lyra responded with a grin “ I had read from one of the Jedi texts that the force flows through everything, and everyone. I believe that the force surrounds us, everyday.”

Jamidua pulled a small slice from the fish and folded it around his finger.

“I think the force is more like genetics. It’s the fabric of what we are all made from, the thing which connects us to each other…gives us life and feelings.” He responded, eating the fish and gazing off into the sunrise above.

She sat blushed as they both stared into the sky.

A large squeak came from in front of them as a Large creature with two bony legs supporting it Ran out from a Cave and into a shallow pond. It kicked up water and sand at the two initiates as it bowed its head. Still squeaking.

“It doesn’t like you two.” A voice came from behind.

“Master Noko…I…” Jamidua began

“Were about to tell me where you two were heading?” She cut in sarcastically

The organism learched its head up as Noko walked over calmly and rubbed the creature's chin.

Jamidua walked over carefully, trying not to make a noise. His hands were shaking as he got closer to the face and his boots were flooding with pond water. The beast's head moved upward and stared at him, its mouth beginning to open. Suddenly it’s fat tongue slobbered over Jamidua’s face.

Lyra stood up and raised a hand at the creature. Its horned head bowed again. Closer and closer she got. Her cloak now soaked with murky water, until the beast bucked his head and sent her flying back onto the log, head over heels.

“It senses your fear. It knows you're hiding something from it.” Noko shouted over to Lyra whilst giving The beast a pat on the head “you must open up, only then will you gain its trust. And trust is pivotal to becoming a Jedi one day.”

Again she stood up, but this time she stood still in front. Her head was still throbbing from the throw. She flicked her hair back to reveal her pointed Ears. Lyra had kept her identity as a Sephi a secret up until now, originally keeping it a secret in the Empire but after her defection she just kept hiding it.

“You're a Sephi?” Jamidua remarked with a surprised face.

She held out her palm and slowly approached the creature, her eyes peering into its own. 

The body was rough and dusty, its horns broken in halves. It released a loud sigh and pressed its forehead deeper into her palm.

“I have seen these before. Roaming the land outside the Enclave.” Lyra told noko and Jamidua “ would Lynas the groundskeeper know anything about them?” She asked, pointing her head back at Noko.

“I would assume so, but you should both return to the Enclave, Master Aemos would like to speak with you, especially Lyra.” She returned.

Lyra looked back at her new friend to see him licking the dirt off her hand with its big tongue.

Her eyes lit up with an idea.

“We could ride him back.” She told Noko, raising an eyebrow and dotting back to Jamidua almost to see if he was up for a ride.

Noko laughed for a moment and then saw the two bags set by the fallen tree.

“You have gained its trust. Use the bags as a saddle.” She responded whilst handing the bags over to Jamidua “return by Sundown.”


He faced Lyra with a worried expression.

“You want to ride that thing!” He stuttered whilst Noko trekked back to the Enclave.

She smiled back at him and jokingly replied: 

“He has a name. Buck.” 

His facial expression got even worse as they climbed onto the creatures back and sat on top of the satchels. With a sudden jolt, the creature began to stride toward the Enclave with the two initiates rocking side to side.

She looked back at Jami to see him covering his eyes with an arm.

“Don’t look down.” He repeated

Lyra moved his arm from his head and peered down to see how high they were up.

“Stop worrying so much Jami. Nothing can hurt you up here.”

This topic was modified 3 years ago 6 times by Nutttter Butttter
This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy
Posted : 14/08/2022 9:09 am
Posts: 478
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[Admin] Entry Score | 6 XP

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 01/09/2022 3:12 pm
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

Congratulations on finishing all your Lessons as an initiate! Looking forward to seeing your initiate trial builds!

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 01/09/2022 3:13 pm