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The Vision
Lyra drifted off to sleep and fell into a trance. Crimson coloured structures towered over her in a thick green fog. The walls of the monuments were covered with sprouting trees and dotted mushrooms. Candle light warmed up the fog near an arch and glowed as bright as the moon above her.
“You should never have come here” boomed a voice from behind her.
She looked behind and saw nothing but more and more red arches. Her ankle bent inward on the steps and she tumbled down the stones until she friended to a halt.
She awoke with Master Noko sat on the edge of her bed.
“You were screaming” she said calmly
Lyra looked down at her hand and saw the cuts she had from tumbling down the steps.
“I had…a vision…a hallucination or something” Lyra frantically started “what’s happening with me.” She continued becoming more and more worried
Noko took Lyra by the arm and brought her too the edge of a monetary wall. There they sat cross legged and eyes closed. Noko opened her eyes and looked at lyra, her hands still shaking from the vision.
“What you had was a vision lyra” Noko began “visions are a pivotal part in a Jedi’s path, something to be sceptical of but also to allow” she continued looking off into the distance surrounding them both “you must learn to deal with these emotions and visions in your own way, but we are all here to help you Lyra… remember that”
-hey guys hope you like it. I tried to do something a bit more unique and more colourful than I usually build, and challenged my self to put as many techniques in as possible!
Excellent work Harrison! I love the uniqueness of this, and also the story! Something that you should consider before posting, is checking your writing. I’ve noticed a few errors throughout. Also, feel free to run it by anyone in the NJO for proofreading, Sam and I have done that, and it really improved my writing.
Nice build, I love how the building is towering above the minifig (which is perfect! Hair & scarf combination <3)
I'm not sure if it's lighting or what, but the mono-coloured red blends badly (at least on my monitor, i've checked on other display, it's slightly better) and details are hard to see. I bet it looks astonishing in reality.
@mayitbe thanks man, I tried to adjust the saturation but it looked a bit odd. Il keep that in mind for any other Mocs that il do in this scheme
Nice build, and a catching colour scheme with some cool details, good work!
The Red build really sells the dreamscape you describe with some subtle detail to add texture to this.
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