(NJO) Meego Graduat...
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(NJO) Meego Graduation

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The Jedi and monastery residents including Aemos - who had returned from exile in the fight for the soul of Ator Hollos - were gathered by the lake below the peak of Maraholnor on top of a small hillock. In the traditions of the Jedi Order of old, the ceremony would be held in a secluded chamber within the temple. But this wasn’t the old order. It was a fresh one, aware of the latter’s issues and the problematic nature of being aloof and secluded both from the galaxy and one’s peers. Thus, the first promotion of one of the students to padawan would be a public affair for all of the enclave. By the lake, away from the gathering, a young Rodian sat meditating. He was running through the Jedi calming techniques that he’d learned in his first week at the monastery. Although he had passed the trials and had the full confidence of his instructors, there lingered a small remnant of doubt buried deep within himself. 

What if I’m still just that hopeless kid that Jun found on Naboo. Not even able to do my own job without messing it up and breaking the speeder almost every single mail run. Bek would probably think I’m foolish becoming anything but a mailrodian, no less a Jedi! 

He almost panicked but took a deep breath to calm himself. A soft wind ruffled his blue tunic as he recited the Code - which he found useful both in learning to understand the Force and as a mantra for instilling peace within when he was stressed - once again for the hundredth, maybe thousandth time: 

“There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.”

Just as Meego finished his recitation, the masters prepared to begin the ceremony.

    “It is time,” Jun said as he and Noko stepped up to the crest of the hill crowned by a tree flowering lilac. The Rodian slowly stood up and began to walk up to the enclave. At first his steps were unsure as he saw the large crowd gathered and he almost tripped but then he paused to compose himself. 

No, he thought. I am ready. Jun has faith in me, even when I falter. And Bek always fixed my speeder when I broke it. I can be a Jedi. There is peace.

Then, with more confidence, he continued the march. He reached the instructors and knelt before them; his gaze looked up. Jun Jin-wa nodded his head towards Master Imani, indicating that she should lead the ceremonies. 

“Master Jin-wa, you brought Meego into the fold of the New Jedi Order. The honour should be yours.” 

“Thank you,” he replied. Master Imani went to join her husband Asa with the rest of the enclave. Jun then pulled out his lightsaber from within his robes which ignited a flashing blue with a snap-hiss. In turn, Noko ignited her green lightsaber and Aemos unsheathed his ancestral vibroblade. At this, Meego kneeled, and the master lowered his blade above the Rodian’s right shoulder. 

“By the will of the Force”, he proclaimed, then moving the blade to hover over the left shoulder. “By the right of the Order” 

 then raised the blade above Meego’s head and then up into the air.

“Rise Meego, Padawan of the New Jedi Order.”

Meego rose and turned to face the members of the enclave as a padawan, hardly able to suppress his grin and relief at having made it this far. All of his fellow students cheered while Ma-riki whooped excitedly and Rudy beeped and sang in her robotic voice. Even Aemos Suurm-Xachus who usually wore a cold expression, was smiling at the new padawan.

This topic was modified 7 months ago by Talus
Posted : 26/07/2024 2:20 pm
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