(NJO) (Meego) Initi...
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[Solved] (NJO) (Meego) Initiate Trial: Confronting Temptation

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“Not bad, kid,” Jun said, smiling in surprise, swinging his wooden blade prepetorily for the next bout. They had been sparing for much of the day after a nice long hike from the monastery. Meego panted but got back into ready position nevertheless. 

The duel commenced, Meego remarkably was on the offensive but suddenly stumbled. A dark vision filled his mind and he swung his practice sabre widely like an injured animal facing its impending end.

He didn’t know what to do, so he did the only thing he could: run. Jun disengaged, staggering back. He looked around to see the Rodian madly darting off up the steep slopes of the Grandmother. He gave chase as Meego hurriedly pushed past the rough limbs of the stalwart trees, with a quick glance back the world seemed so serene, but then darkened by a wave almost as mutilated and putrid as the monster he’d fought with Lynus, ahead was more darkness. Where was he running and what did he flee from? Aemos’ visage filled Meego’s mind after the horrible darkness, wreathed in twilight, and rebuking him fiercely in his cold, steely voice.  

“You coward! You’ve betrayed us for the darkness. Never have I looked upon a more feckless person than you! You should be ashamed of your actions, even the kindly Jedi Imani will never forgive you!”

Next, Noko’s face appeared. It was unusually stern and harsh. 

“I am disappointed in you. You forsook my faith and betrayed my trust!” 

Then Jun followed, his back was turned towards him. When he flicked back his hood, he slowly turned to face Meego, unlike the other masters, the duelist did not show rage or disappointment, only sorrow. “I shoulda never brought ya here kid. Leave us, ya made a better mailrodian than a Jedi initiate. Goodbye.” 

The rest of the Order ensued, all tormenting him for his cowardness. Even the ground itself seemed to laugh at him and shook, like a bantha ridding itself of flies. Having lost his balance, Meego fell and curled into a ball, crying into the sleeve of his blue tunic. Then a hand grabbed him roughly. The Rodian shrunk back in fear, Is a monster of the forest here to drag me away? Will I decompose and become little more than a putrid corpse, eternally preying on others, envious of their life force?!

“Meego! Hey, kid, snap out of it!” 

He saw Jun overhead, his face sweaty and filled with worry.

“I’m s-sorry!” Meego wailed, all hope gone. “I-I failed you, and Noko, Rudy, the entire Order. You’re right, you should’ve never taken me in!” 

“Woah, I’d never say that.”

He took the Rodian and hugged him tightly. His shoulder became very wet from Meego’s tears. Jun turned Meego to face him.

“Look, ya just need some practice that’s all, you’re gonna make a great Jedi.”

“I-I think I understand the planet. It’s in anguish,” he stuttered, tears still flowing.

“Come, kid,” he said, proffering his hand to help the Rodian up. Meego took it and gingerly got up; in his madness, he had suffered a few cuts and bruises. Jun gave a wry smile and then looked around him. He put his hand on the weathered structure  and reeled back.

“It’s in anguish alright.”

Meego hadn’t gotten a good look at the area since he had madly careened up the hill, at the bottom of the slope, he noticed two statues, rough from the ages, of different statures but similar in design to each other and the rest of the ruined structures. 

“Who built this?” the Rodian said, trying to read some smudged glyphs on the smaller statue.

“Zeffo maybe? Lynus pointed out some o’ their stuff back home, perhaps they had a bigger presence here.” 

Jun paced around the tree, then went to study the statues. Meego caught a bit of what he muttered. 

“But the Zeffo weren’t into the dark side, they studied the light side extensively, or we’re wrong.”

“The dark side?” Meego asked. Even at the mention of it he shuddered. Then suddenly, he had a feeling. 

“I feel… death.”

Jun stopped. “Kid, you’re right, this isn’t just any ruins, it’s a tomb. The Zeffo buried here must’ve been taken by Bogan, and the shadow remains, that’s why you went stark mad. C’mon, let’s get out of here.”

On the way back to the monastery, they said nothing, but Meego thought a lot. His mind was filled with times that he’d been of use to the Order. He was clumsy sure, nigh incapable of wielding a lightsaber but he had saved Lynus. The information that he’d collected from the villager in Ossar Kolv had been useful. 

Maybe I do belong here? Is this the effects of the Light side like how the negative feelings of doubt were of the dark? 

Meego grinned, tranquility filling him.

It’s like Aemos’ meditation but with the feeling of sunshine within myself, he reflected, which was good for easing his mentality but bad since it distracted him from the ground. He quickly grabbed a hold onto the rock wall and steadied himself. He could hear Jun quietly chuckling to himself, but in a good way. Even if he never made it to Padawan, he’d at least earned Jun’s respect. And that was a difficult commodity to acquire.




This topic was modified 2 years ago by Talus
This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn
Posted : 21/11/2022 6:00 pm
Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

Very nice blend of colors and color palet! Great storyline!

Posted : 22/11/2022 3:00 am
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 11/01/2023 2:28 pm
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@cosmic-studios Many thanks! Glad that you liked the story.

Posted : 29/01/2023 2:30 pm