(NJO) (Meego) Initi...
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[Solved] (NJO) (Meego) Initiate Trial: Skill

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Meego Trial I: Skill





Meego had been summoned to the cloister after the Order had consumed its midday meal, simple food that they had been growing since the thaw in the vales below. On the opposite end of the court stood the rock walls of the Grandmother and the equally imposing Hybolon, Aemos, who sat cross-legged on the lush ground next to a flowerbed. 

“Sit,” Master Suurm-Xachus commanded as Meego approached. The Rodian quickly complied, curious as to the reason for the summons but also at unease despite the peaceful look on the master’s face which was much better than the stern disdain that he normally received from the Sentinel.

“Do not think that your escapades in the village have gone unnoticed?! Explain yourself initiate, why did you abandon your fellow Jedi in their hour of need in potentially bellicose circumstances!”

Meego blanched, his anxious mind racing from panic. How am I going to explain this?! I don’t want Ma-riki or Jun to end up in trouble! 

“I-I was trading,” he stammered, then after a few moments the Rodian got the courage to speak again. “I uh m-met with the villagers, gathered i-i-information.”

Master Suurm Xachus seemed to consider this; in fact, he had already discussed and resolved the matter with Jun the evening prior. His stern face was unmoving for a few moments, then in his low voice he spoke, “I was not expecting such an eloquent reply initiate. It was fear that I anticipated, not a private mission. Pray, what knowledge did you find?”

Meego sat shocked. 

“A-a-another group feels the dark presence in the woods. The villager called them, uh, rangers? But, mostly dismissed it himself until I told him that I had felt it too,” he replied swiftly, only tripping over a few words along the way. He twitched his snout and sighed in relief.

“Your weakness fades, initiate,” the master replied, still in partial meditation. “The other masters and I have decided, you shall begin your trials to become a padawan.”

 Then, he stood up and opened his stern eyes. Much of the unnerving calmness had left the Hybolon, but he seemed to have a higher regard, reflected in the severity of his sternness, for the nervous Rodian that sat before him. “But will your actions turn into abilities, able  in the ways of the Force? That, we must test. Skill will be the first of your trials.” 

“Up!” he commanded, moving over to the rock wall. Suddenly, he summoned a huge boulder from atop the Grandmother. Meego’s eyes grew wide as the sentinel gracefully lowered the rock after hovering it in stasis for a fleeting moment.

“I-i-i have to lift that?” he stammered.

“Not yet,” Suurm-Xachus replied. “We shall begin with this.”

A smaller boulder then flew to the sentinel’s outstretched palm. He tossed it to Meego who fell to the ground upon impact, the bright summer star overhead blinding him momentarily. He slowly got to his feet, rubbing his eyes of the light and massaging the bruise on his chest.

“You were supposed to use the Force to catch it, initiate. It was a test of your reflexes which require much improvement,” the master growled. He then gestured for Meego to come over  to him.

The Rodian shambled over to him--  the smooth boulder lay forgotten on the grass. The Hybolon pulled back Meego’s light tunic and felt the bruise, then concentrating, steadily easing the pain to a bare tremor. 

“Draw the boulder to your hand,” Aemos commanded, his hand withdrawn in his grey robes again. The Rodian stretched out his thin arm towards the ground where the minute boulder lay, his eyes closed while focusing on what he desired. The rock crept through the low-cut grasses but at the last second soared to Meego’s hand. He lifted it.

“Hmph, impressive,” the Hybolon remarked. “For someone of your talent.”

Walking over to a different patch of grass closer to the imposing rock wall, Master Suurm-Xachus instructed him to do a handstand and hold the same boulder in limbo level with his eyes, then lift it upwards to his feet. It took several tries, but Meego finally completed the task. The Sentinel nodded; Meego fell to the ground and with a little nudge from Force, softened his landing. The Rodian panted, tired from the exercise. All of a sudden, the mountain fiercely shook, pebbles cascading down its surface, then larger rocks. Still on the ground, Meego summoned the strength and will to send the falling debris to either side while he gradually stood up, struggling from the vast amount of plummeting rock. But he couldn’t hold back the Grandmother forever. Quickly, he sidestepped in a dance pattern too complex for him to do unaided by the Force, some rocks falling without his direction but most held and safely put down. Then, he faltered and a great boulder defeated him. As he went down, the mountain stopped its onslaught and all of the boulders were immediately cleared by Aemos who stood back, although his student lay injured. Rudy, who had been watching the trial from a doorway, sprinted from underneath the cloister’s arcades to the fallen Rodian. 

“Meego!” she cried. Then, she looked at Master Suurm-Xachus. “Aren’t you going to do something?! He’s injured!”

“No, he must learn that skill himself for that is the purpose of this endeavour.”

“It was you that sent the Grandmother loose on him!” she accused, her metallic finger pointed at Aemos. The Hybolon did not seem perturbed and stood silent and unwavering. Rudy went over and gently lifted up Meego’s limp form. He groaned softly, his eyes smeared with tears, and  blearily looked up at the droid. She stomped furiously, but with care so as to not hurt the Rodian more, and passed the master who stopped her. He then glanced down at the injured initiate and growled softly, “You did well, Initiate Meego. Rest before you receive the trials to come. May the Force be with you.”

The Hybolon sentinel’s robes swished as briskly took his leave, resigning himself to study of Ator Hollos’ chaotic skies in the observatory. 

“It’ll be ok, Rudy,” Meego said weakly. “I have the Force.”

Already, Meego was using his uninjured hand to mitigate the pain, even a few scars receded into dark memory. Small drops of oil slowly cascaded like droid tears from Rudy’s hat-esque head as she carried him back inside the monastery. The young Rodian had overcome the first trial.



This topic was modified 2 years ago by Talus
This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn
Posted : 27/09/2022 4:51 pm
The Stuartn
Posts: 216
Reputable Member New Republic 3rd Fleet

Great build, I really like the detail on the house and the composition with the cliff face


Posted : 30/09/2022 1:04 am
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 15/10/2022 11:44 am