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[O17 - Naboo - FF] (NJO) Theedian's Blight Cantina

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Location: Grid Square O17, Naboo, Theed City, Theedian's Blight Cantina.
Names: Sam Parnelli, Quin, Ren, 
Species: Human
Faction: FF

After escaping from the grounds of Parnelli Castle, Sam swiftly made his way towards Theed. It was his intention to find a way off of Naboo before his family realised he had left the residence, and sent security to pursue.

Sam skillfully made it past the guards who worked on a bi-hourly rotation, carrying nothing but a satchel of his most important belongings, and some credits to get by. He wore a dark blue cloak and hood to conceal his immediate appearance.

He walked for what felt like an eternity, constantly looking over his shoulder in apprehension. It was hours past sunset when he finally reached the capital city of Naboo, Theed.

Ornate structures adorned the long, stony streets of Theed, which had become vivacious and lively once again.

Although Sam’s legs burned from the hike to and through Theed, he knew that he needed to get offworld tonight. Turning towards an alleyway to take a breath, he noticed a warm light that shone from a small opening. Above, a luminescent sign read:

The Theedian’s Blight Cantina  

Patrons that became regulars at the Theedian’s Blight were nowhere near the level of scum and villainy that passed through the halls of the famed Mos Eisley Cantina, but an obstinate syndicate presence had established itself.

Sam peered back towards the busy streets, noticing a few troublemakers about. They shoved people to the ground, yelling and demanding if they had seen a certain individual.

Fear radiated through his being, facilitating a sense of paranoia. Sam knew if he was caught any hopes of a future offworld would be quelled. 

He dashed towards the cantina entrance, and stepped inside. Greeted by a reeking scent of alcohol and sweat, a few patrons swivelled their heads towards him. They shook their heads and muttered to themselves.

The Theedian’s Blight Cantina was famed for its unique bar droid, which was a repurposed BX-series droid from the Clone Wars. It was a known Rebel intelligence headquarters, which saw much use during the Galactic Civil War. Now, everyone visited from former Rebel Fleet troopers, to smugglers looking for a job.

A Theelin waitress drifted towards Sam, passing a beverage to a Quarren who looked excessively drunk. She looked him up and down before a thin smile spread across her face. 

“What brings a kid like you to a place like this?” She remarked, gesturing towards the surrounding patrons.

Sam mustered up his courage, and proceeded to speak.

“I was hoping there might be someone here who could get me passage offworld, I’m in a bit of a hurry.” 

The Theelin narrowed her eyes, but pointed towards a man wearing a brown hood, and presumably his partner - a young woman with braided dark brown hair.
They seemed to be deep in conversation.

“He’s been coming here for quite a while, but we still don’t know his real name. I suspect they are some sort of smugglers. If you want to get offworld, go speak to them.” She turned back towards her duties. 

Sam didn’t even get to acknowledge her, but he was grateful for the advice. He strided over to the bar, and took a seat next to the pair.

The man with the hood noticed his presence immediately, sensing the fear and uncertainty a mile off. He lifted his hood and turned towards Sam.

“You need my services, don’t you kid?”

Bewildered, Sam replied.

“How’d you know I'd need to get offworld?”

The man with the hood sighed, and sipped his drink. He clearly wasn’t in a hurry.

“I didn’t, just most people don’t want to talk to a guy like me.”

Sam gulped and realised the truth in his statement. As he glanced about the room, he saw that most of the patrons gave a wide berth around this area.

The stranger laughed and playfully punched his shoulder.

“I was joking kid! Look at your face, so serious!” He chuckled. 

His partner introduced herself to Sam, shaking his hand.

“Name’s Renee, but most just call me Ren. This is Quin.” She stated, gesturing towards him. “I, much like you grew up here - but maybe not with half the credits you did.” She gestured to his attire and smiled.

He blushed, aware that he stood out amongst the array of characters.

“My name’s Sam, and I think you two can help me in my uh….. predicament.” He reached into his bag to draw a large array of credits.

“I need to get offworld tonight, to go and see my brother on Coruscant. As you can see, I can pay you handsomely.”

Quin peered at the credits, and took another sip from his drink. He entered a meditative state, and visualised his thoughts.

He needed to get back to Kashyyyk, to his family, and back to the shelter that the Wookies offered.

For the last few rotations, it felt like he and Ren were being watched. Suspecting that Black Sun once again was once again on their tail, he knew that they would be safer off of the Core Worlds.

A slight detour wouldn’t hurt, if this kid was willing to pay this amount of credits.

He returned to the bar, noticing that Sam was becoming impatient. Quin scratched his chin thoughtfully. 

“We should be able to get you offworld, but as the waitress might’ve told you - we’re not just escorts you know.” He gestured to a holstered blaster hanging from his belt.

Ren stepped away from the bar and gave Sam a stare. 

“Look, we’re heading off to Tatooine for a mission, but if you come along for the ride, we can leave you on the ship, and then take you straight to Coruscant. I can’t quite promise your safety, but we should get you there in one piece.” She winked.

Sam realised that he was putting his life in the hands of two smugglers.

“Well, I’ll… ” Sam drifted off as a masked stranger arose from a dark corner.

Quin also turned his head, surprised that this kid had noticed the disturbance.

“Sam, let's continue this conversation outside, yeah?” He took one last swig of his drink and scattered a few credits towards the bar droid. 

“Keep the change.”

This topic was modified 1 year ago by Count_creations
Posted : 04/10/2023 6:59 am