“Hey Duro, when ya mentioned to Dorn you were bringing a friend, ya shoulda mentioned that she couldn’t walk!” a man said impatiently, groaning from balancing while walking on a log with Tolli tied to his back.
“At least I didn’t bring a Hutt,” Jal replied, smirking.
Lieutenant Dorn turned his head around and called back, “Silence Soldier Kesé! You should be grateful that we have an archaeologist with us. And you, Searcher, this is no time for jests!”
Dorn huffed, swatted at an irritating bug, and then continued walking over the long, suspended log, taking care not to slip or trip over a vine.
“Tordan, at least Dorn bothered to tell you he’d bring someone. I mean, I’m the quartermaster and no one seems to tell me anything. At least you’re not carrying all of our supplies, and it’s not like she’s that large anyways…” the quartermaster was saying in an annoyed voice until it happened.
“Wait,” Tordan said. He began to pat his back frantically. “Why isn’t she on my back anymore?!”
“Congratulations, you got exactly what you wanted,” Jal said sarcastically as he stopped to face Tordan. He looked over the edge of the log, but saw nothing besides the dense jungle. He frowned; this day had gone from bad to worse. First, he got stuck with an annoying crew, the only one he could tolerate was Wyyyrshk, their guide, and then he lost his favorite companion to date. She wasn’t annoying like his last one on Ossus or lazy like the human he’d been stuck with studying glaciers on Hoth. Wait, speaking of: where was Wyyyrshk? Jal looked around, he hadn’t seen him return yet, although Wyyyrsk was usually gone, scouting ahead.
While Jal was remorsing to himself, Zari was chastising Tordan. Tordan did not appreciate this, and the two had fallen to bickering. Dorn had had enough.
“Would you all stop it!” Dorn said, brow furrowed in frustration. “Our archaeologist has disappeared, now our guide has as well, and you two bicker about which of you is pulling more weight! And someone exterminate these accursed flies!”
“Actually Dorn, this is a wonderful opportunity,” Jal said.
The rest of the team looked at him like he was insane, maybe they’d even consider throwing him off the log. Maybe the Shadowlands caused insanity?
“Wookiees have been disappearing in villages near the Shadowlands, which we’re conveniently going over. And now our friends are gone too, coincidence…” Jal said, leaving off the end, hoping that they would finish his thought.
Silence from the others.
Only the sounds of the bugs and the cool wind wrestling the leaves could be heard.
Lieutenant Dorn gave up, he had hoped that Tordan Kesé or Quartermaster Zari would finish it. “It is not a coincidence. I recommend that we stop bickering or I will defenestrate the lot of you off of this log. Keep an eye out, I do not want anyone else to disappear.”
With that, they began again on their journey across the log, but with more haste, as they journeyed deeper into the Shadowlands.
To be continued… once they arrive at the log‘s end.