[P9-Kashyyyk-FF] Wr...
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[P9-Kashyyyk-FF] Wrath of the Wookiees - Part 4: An Old Acquaintance

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Tolli woke up feeling drugged, and the world was spinning, but at least she wasn’t tied to Tordan‘s back anymore. Wait, who was that? He seemed familiar. 

“Professor?” She said wearily. She tried to get up but the drugs made her legs weak and her knee throbbed. Oh, yeah - he shot her. 

The figure put down his Erlenmeyer flask on the lab table and walked over to her. Even with her swirly vision, she could see that he was annoyed.

“Karrabast!” He swore. “You’re supposed to be dead, you worthless intern! Next time, I’ll shoot you in the head, Ms. Sierras, and not in the right knee!”

A droid walked into the small lab carrying a large tray with what appeared to be his lunch and some tools and said in a toneless voice, “Professor Quibbles, your lunch is ready.”

Tolli started laughing. “Quibbles!”

“Yes, Ms. Sierras, that is my name, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not. My name isn’t Sdo Mual’oq, I only came up with that byname to fool that meddling monk. My real name is Professor Nicholas Robert Quibbles P.h.d, and if you laugh at it again, I’ll feed you to my Slyyyg to test whether or not they can eat manflesh,” he replied indignantly. 

Tolli hesitated. “Um, weren’t you an archaeology professor, not a, uh, biologist?” she asked. 

The Professor had only taken a single bite out of his Meiloorun and Roasted Porg sandwich and looked very annoyed. He set it back down on the tray, which had now become a table in his small lab. 

“Yes, but I have done extensive research into biology and also was your biology professor at the academy on Telos IV.”

Tolli nodded apprehensively; she didn’t want to make him mad enough to feed her to his Slyyyg. Quibbles nodded to the droid, who grabbed the limp Tolli and dragged her out of the lab. Before the doors shut, she could hear the Professor telling her to have fun with the Wyyyschokk. Tolli had no idea what a Wyyyschokk was, but the narcotics blacked her out again before she could guess as to what terror awaited her.

To be continued…

This topic was modified 3 years ago 3 times by Talus
Posted : 09/02/2022 10:23 pm