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[P9-Kashyyyk-FF] Wrath of the Wookiees - Part 6: Aboard the Scarab

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The Wookiee U-Wing took them directly from Kashyyyk to the Scarab. The ship was lit with soft lighting that matched the white, grey, and corn yellow color scheme of the slightly rundown interior. On the outside, the Scarab looked like a scraped-together, dilapidated Arquitens mixed with the aesthetics of a Mon Cala cruiser. Before they left the U-Wing, Jal grabbed a random stick that the Wookiees had stowed away. He looked at the nearest Wookiee and pointed at it and asking, “arrrgrrr?” 

The Wookiee responded positively; Jal grabbed the stick and gave it to Tolli to use as a crutch. Once onboard, Dorn led them directly to a chamber where Captain Hil was waiting for them on his levitating chair facing the viewport. 

“Lieutenant Dorn!” he said cheerfully, recognizing his second-in-command’s gait. He pressed a button on his armrest and the chair swung around to face them. His snowy white beard looked even more ridiculous in person, Jal thought.

“Were y’all successful? Now wait a minute. Where’re Tordan and Zari, I thought I sent ‘em with y’all?” 

“Causialties, Captain,” Dorn said gruffly. “Yes, we were successful. It appears that Imperials, perhaps members of the Caldera Society, were using Geonosian worms to control the Wyyyschokks, which were instrumental in the kidnapping of the local Wookiee populations around the Shadowlands. Ms. Sierras herself was a victim to one, which although unfortunate, provided us with first-hand data. Searcher Mes drew the connection between her disappearance and the other disappearances that we’ve had hearsay of from the other dispatches.”

“The name of a particular scientist involved was Dr. Quibbles, both Tolli and I have met him before,” Jal interjected.

“He shot me,” Tolli mumbled. 

“Jolly good, though it’s a shame ‘bout Tordan and Zari!” he drawled. “Now I’d like ta thank all three of y’all for yer help in this matter. Dorn, I’ll need ta see ya later,” he said nodding in his direction, then he looked at Jal.

Stezhu, I think somma that drink, Leivaks ya call’d it, is in order. I promised to try somma it.”

Jal pulled out four cups and the necessary ingredients. He placed his Leivaks supplies on the floor and began to prepare the beverage. Tolli looked at the amount of cups that he had and asked, “Um, how many cups do you, uh, need?”

“Cups are useful,” Jal replied.

While that was going on, Dorn showed the jar containing the Geonosian worm to the Captain. Captain Hil put it inside for later. Jal had finished the Leivaks and handed a cup to everyone, then took his own and sipped it, letting the warm and calming liquids flow through him.

“Thank ya, this is most excellent. Neva’ had anythin’ better,” Hil said in between his sips.

“Dorn, I think ya should take Tolli to the med-bay and have ‘em fix her knee.”

Dorn nodded and followed suit. Jal’s eyes followed the pair leaving the chamber then went back to the Captain.

Stezhu, lum jugvoos. You ain’t a member of the Preservation and Research Foundation.”

Vun deltnag zema jes vun stadaks jos kadoos,” Jal replied. It was true that he had never professed being a member, but he had never told Captain Hil otherwise. 

“Apologies Stezhu, have ya at least consider’d it?”

“Actually, I have,” Jal replied. 

“Good, good. Kadog truuno naazheiks jos stallud oos. Duraam molguu taziks vin, duro stezhu,” Hil drawled politely as he handed Jal a disk.

As Jal accepted the disk, he replied, “Vun dureis molguu taziks laim. Ceidaam, Hil sooktu.

After Hil had given him the letter of recommendation, he once again thanked Jal for the Leivaks and excused himself—he needed to speak with Dorn urgently. Before proceeding to the med-bay to see Tolli, Jal looked out the viewport at the wide expanse of wild space. Somehow this was a view he could never get over, the ancient love of the Duros. 

The End



First, I would like to address some errors that I made in my previous translations. The first one is Deltnaam, I originally said that it meant “Greetings” when Jozhaam also means “Greetings.” Deltnaam actually translates to “Speak” (For the record aam is the imperative verb ending, the root word for “to speak” is actually deltna.) Another error that I made was using the article jos for one of the demonstratives instead of the actual word jes. 


Sentence Breakdowns

(Durese, Literal, Galactic Basic)


Stezhu, lum jugvoos.

Wanderer (Polite), you lied

Wanderer, you lied.


Vun deltnag zema jes vun stadaks jos kadoos.

I said never that I member article are [past tense]

I never said that I was a member.


Kadog truuno naazheiks jos stallud oos. Duraam molguu taziks vin, duro stezhu.

To be here letter article recommendation of 

Here is a letter of recommendation.


Vun dureis molguu taziks laim. Ceidaam, Hil sooktu.

I travel [future tense] with luck your. Thanks, leader. 

I will travel with your luck. Thanks, captain.



(Only for those that need explanation)


a - "a" as in English apple

aa - "a" as in English father

ai - “a” as in English rain

e - "e" as in English end

ei - "ei" as in English time or German mein

i - "i" as in English tin 

o - "o" as in English soda

oo - "ö" as in German Löwe

u - "u" as in English under

uu - "u" as in English lute


c - “ts” as in English pets 

j - "j" as in French jour

ll - “ll” as in Icelandic fjall (pronounced like tluh)

zh - "zh" as in Russian zhnets (not entirely sure if that's accurate, but at the minimum it's not pronounced like zh in Mandarin [which is similar to the English "j" but slightly different])


Verb Conjugation

(The verbs do not change based on the pronoun.) 


-Present Tense-

kadog - “to be” from the stem kad and Present Tense ending og from the Preposition og “in.”

-Past Tense-

sodoos - “called” from the stem sod and the Past Tense ending oos from the Preposition oos “from.” 


dureis - “will journey” from the stem dur and the Future tense ending eis

deltnaam - “speak” from the stem deltna and the Imperitive ending aam.




vun - I

lum - you


vain - me

laim - you


vin - my, mine

lim - your



Posted : 09/02/2022 10:56 pm
Shockwave bricks
Posts: 118
Trusted Member Bryx Security Bureau

Really cool series you've got going on here, excellent work with the builds themselves!


Posted : 10/02/2022 9:44 pm
Posts: 42
Trusted Member Followers of the Force
Topic starter

@shockwave-bricks Thanks!

Posted : 19/02/2022 3:53 pm