Part 3 Beskar Trade...
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[Solved] Part 3 Beskar Trade: The Hideout and The Arrangments

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Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau
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The group of Bounty Hunters that has some of the stolen Beskar, is making arrangements with the Empire to sell it back to them. The Mandalorian is going to meet a local tribe of Mandalorians called The Great Dragon. He wants to ask them for help in terms of taking the Beskar back and attacking the storage area. The leader and some of his warriors set off with him, even though they are not interested in the Beskar they just want to get revenge against the Bounty Hunters since they killed some of their friends and stole some important cargo from them.


I walk into the building alone to meet this leader of these Bounty Hunters and talk about the Beskar. I leave my special combat officer outside with the rest of the troops. I tell him to secure the area while I am here. I shake the hand of the older man in the building that is wearing some sort of Mandalorian outfit. I say, “The payment will be processed through this chip, just sign here”. He signs and says “it will all be delivered on time”. The Officer tells the troops, “ you two go over there and the rest of you get on the roof”. Two bounty hunters are talking about moving the Beskar while this all happens while a Genosian bounty Hunter quietly listens and stays quiet guarding the door. After the Empire leaves, Gunther the leader of the Bounty Hunters prepares to leave but asks to have more guards stationed here. So a few more arrive. After a few hours, a few of them go inside to drink and play a card game. The rest are busy talking to each other. Suddenly one cries out in pain as he is shot in the side of the chest. He says, “Ahh”, and groans. Then five Mandalorians attack, one is killed as he advances, while the Bounty Hunter Mandalorian fights the leader of the attacking group, while the rest focus their fire on the incoming Bounty Hunters from the building. One runs out and gets shot straight in the heart, as the other two are running out behind him. On the roof both Mandalorians are fighting fiercely for their lives, the bounty Hunter one gets his jet pack parually shot by a pistol, but he keeps fighting. After a long time the Bounty Hunters that are left retreat leaving only the dead. The attackers check the building and find some random crates with no Beskar. The leader of the Mandalorian tribe takes some of the crates and says “thanks for the help”. “I am going to bury my comrades”. The Mandalorian says, “We will hopefully see each other soon”. He heads off into the desert.

This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy
Posted : 11/06/2022 12:56 pm
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Posted : 05/07/2022 6:34 pm