Part 5 Beskar Trade...
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[Solved] Part 5 Beskar Trade: Encounter At The Crossroads

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Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau
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After the Mandalorian leaves the storage facility he travels through the intensely hot desert looking for some sign of life or some object. Eventually he sees a very tall pole in the distance and something going on there. He arrives to some sort of crossroads that the Empire controls. He knows this since the Empire is searching some Tusken Raiders goods. The Tuskens happened to be paid for some of their goods with a stolen piece of Beskar which the Empire has taken back, while the Tuskens are not willing to give any information about how they acquired it.


The officer says, “Tell us why you have this and where you got it, or we will fire!”. The Tuskens grunt in frustration and get ready to pull out their weapons. The Mandolorian says, “Do you know where the closet town is?”, to another officer. The officer says, “A few days that way, and we need to search you”. “Why?”, the Mandalorian says. The officer says, “For signs of Beskar and making the place a better place”. “Alright”, the Mandalorian says”.



This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy
Posted : 12/06/2022 12:54 pm
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Posted : 05/07/2022 6:35 pm