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Pentastar Alignment - Harlan's Raiders [Battle Pack LTC]

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"Captain Tomas Harlan? Yes, I know him well. I commanded his unit during the Mygeeto campaign. I hear that Chorus Company has a new name among the men, 'Harlan's Raiders'. Dramatic, but respect for authority is never to be discouraged. 

Captain Harlan is an exceptional soldier, yes. He is a cunning strategist, a devil on the battlefield, and a father to his men. He has only one real disadvantage, one unique among his peers—he is at times hindered by his conscience. An impassable obstacle to a man I would otherwise see obtaining high rank among the Alignment, perhaps even a governor's commission, one day. Would that he accepted one of the more bureaucratic positions he has been offered and let the distance from the battlefield numb that frustrating instinct for sympathy. Then he might really make something of his name."

- Col. Terannon Janus 

"My hope is that the Alignment's morally emaciated compromise and the fresh horrors of our new comrades' means wake Tomas up to what, I Know, has long been brewing in his heart. And then I hope he listens to himself, if he has long since stopped listening to me.

We march tomorrow, against the men and women of the Republic."

- Personal journal of Doctor Yvin Tuu, chief medical officer, Chorus Company

The battle-hardened troops of Chorus Company deploy onto the wastelands of Caamas alongside the Crimson Empire, uneasy, but dutiful. Unlike other regiments, they follow their Captain's example and continue to deploy clad in Old Republic surplus—a small gesture of old-fashioned idealism, a reminder of a more orderly, and yet more reasonable, time.

As always, Capt. Harlan is never without his best friend and chief medical officer, Yvin Tuu. The two spend as much time arguing philosophy as they do dueting with each other on the halikset and cloo horn. Yvin, a skilled surgeon (with political ties he keeps close to his chest) has saved the lives of these troops countless times.

Deploying alongside the infantry is a refit of a Republic AT-PW Personal Walker, a scout vehicle from the beginning months of the Clone Wars that, now enhanced with a heavy blaster cannon and reinforced plating, serves to flank and flush out enemy positions. 


This topic was modified 1 year ago by RocketBoy

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 29/09/2023 1:54 am
thepigeon24 reacted
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

Love the story! I know Harlan will do the right thing 😉

Posted : 30/09/2023 2:37 am
RocketBoy reacted
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 24/10/2023 10:30 pm