On Brentaal IV, a Mon Calamari admiral nervously paced around in a tight circle. Many villagers walked past, but most seemed oblivious to his presence, and peculiar antics. Their ignorance was lost to the Mon Calamari, whose trepidation only grew with time. With each innocent footstep he glanced over his shoulder. Two Imperial Scouts stood behind him. They took no notice as well, but it only increased his heightened emotions - which were now beginning to manifest as fear. It was as if a dark force had invaded him. It grew, worse and worse, and more painful with each second. The angst was too much. The admiral felt powerless, his fear had almost overcome him. But as he was about to scurry away into the night, he felt something press against his crustacean hand. A cloaked figure, who he dared not look at. pressed the holofile pad into his grasp. He stood their for a second, as the figure retreated, and the relief was instantaneous. He allowed himself a peek at his new cargo - it was there, the holofile he was entrusted to collect. As he walked away from the rendezvous location. he felt a sense of pride. He had never been on the frontlines or done anything remotely exciting before, but years of a mundane - yet high ranking - desk job had made him crave the excitement of a true hands-on mission. Nevertheless, there was no time for reflection. As blaster bolts began to ring out in teh distance, and Republic vessels lurched from hyperspace into visible orbit above him, he made flight.
TThank you for viewing, any comments and feedback welcome! The next installment of this story should come after the VO.
Admire your speed building man! Love your latest builds.