[R5 - Dromund Kaas ...
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[R5 - Dromund Kaas - Crim Empire] The Calling

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New Member Crim Empire
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   Rhugo Nadhar first arrived on the swamp-covered planet of Dromund Kaas in 8 ABY, when the Imperial Triumvirate sent out the remaining members of the Inquisitorius to all regions of the galaxy historically associated with the Dark side of the Force. Their mission was to retrieve ancient Sith artifacts and lore that could prove useful in strengthening the Empire’s weakened grip on the galaxy.
   Upon his arrival, Rhugo encountered a mystical group of individuals who called themselves the Prophets of the Dark Side. They told him he had been long awaited by them. Unsure at first, Rhugo eventually infiltrated the order and he observed, and took part in, their obscure rituals. It quickly became obvious to him that the Prophets possessed a unique ability of seeing into the various paths of the future. Throughout the years, Rhugo had found himself returning to Dromund Kaas on different occasions, sometimes according to, sometimes in spite of, his own designs.
   Although unable to grasp the power of seeing into the future, Rhugo Nadhar soon started having strange dreams, which would haunt him whenever he left the swampy planet. The further and longer he strayed, the more intense and unbearable they became. The dreams were of a place unknown to him. First, he only saw a misty swamp, not unlike those covering most of Dromund Kaas’s surface. But over time the visions would gradually become more precise and eventually revealed a horizontally placed, rectangular slab of stone partially submerged in murky water. The stone was decorated with ancient characters of a long forgotten language. Though oblivious to the meaning behind the engraving, the Inquisitor somehow knew it was an entrance to whatever may be hidden beneath the swamp. And within… IT was the cause of his dreams. IT called to him.
   A lot had changed by the year 11 ABY. The Imperial Triumvirate was no more and now the Crimson Empire carried on the legacy of the Inquisitorius and the IDMR’s research into the Dark Side of the Force. But for Rhugo Nadhar a lot also remained unchanged. He continued his mission working closely with the Empire’s most prominent scientists to bring to life new technologies imbued with the darkest form of energy. Tormented by insomnia and dangerously distracted, the Inquisitor soon realized the time had finally come. Having completed his recent assignment on Nar Shadda, Rhugo returned to his Lambda-Class Shuttle “Hellion” and, accompanied by his personal entourage of Death Troopers, took off back to Dromund Kaas. It was the longest he’d been away from that cursed place since his first visit there. He had been studying his dreams, meditating upon them. In fact they now tenaciously occupied his attention, almost making it impossible to focus his thoughts on anything else. The visions were now crystalized sufficiently for him to know exactly where to go. He let the Force guide him. He finally felt free to follow the calling.
   The two Death Troopers were in the cockpit piloting the ship while Rhugo meditated on his task. They were already approaching the system. The misty Dromund Kaas was slowly emerging from behind the system’s star when he suddenly felt a disturbance in the force. A few moments later one of his bodyguards entered the chamber.
   - Inquisitor Nadhar, we are approaching the Dromund System. - He said.
   - What Else? - Rhugo asked sharply.
  - There has been a communication from the Maw. IDMR Overseer Vero Jissard.
  - What did he want? - The Inquisitor was visibly upset by the mentioned name.
   - He demanded to know our exact destination. It seems he will be joining us soon. He sounded quite… agitated.
   - No surprise there. But it doesn’t change anything. Transfer the coordinates to him. Our objective remains the same. Dismissed. - Rhugo ordered. - I’ll join you in the cockpit soon. 
   - Sir. - The Death Trooper turned around on his heel and left the chamber.
   Two hours later, the Hellion deployed its landing gear and slowly dropped onto the swamp, near a partially submerged slab of stone engraved with an inscription of unknown origin and meaning. Rhugo approached the stone while the Death Troopers stayed two steps behind, blasters in hands. He extended his right arm in front of him, braced, and the stone slowly lifted, letting the murky water flow underneath and revealing steep, wet stairs descending into total darkness. The Inquisitor softly dropped the stone onto the ground nearby and the Death Troopers activated the lights attached to their blasters. Then the three of them silently stepped down into the dungeon.
   A few moments after they had disappeared into the depths, another ship, a smaller one this time, could be heard landing close to the Hellion. From the ship emerged a cloaked character wearing red cybernetic eyewear, a black decorated officer’s uniform and cap. He walked hastily, maintaining an upright, military posture. He approached the uncovered entrance, took a deep breath and followed the others downstairs.
   Rhugo Nadhar stood on a round platform carved out of stone, surrounded by darkness. A red glow could be seen reflecting in his eyes even though his face was mostly covered with a black hood. In front of him, displayed on black rock was an item of amazing beauty, emitting the very glow mirrored by the Inquisitor’s eyes.
   - What is the meaning of this? - A voice reached them from the side of the entrance. - Why have you not reported back to the Maw after… - He broke off, as if only now noticing the glowing centerpiece.
The Inquisitor remained silent, his eyes still fixed on the same spot. Overseer Vero Jissard approached the platform, the sound of his steps echoing through the chamber. He stood next to Rhugo and surveyed the object for a while.
   - I can see that your visions guided you well, Inquisitor. This is a magnificent specimen indeed. Do the Prophets know of this place? - He asked.
   - I’m sure they do. But for some reason they never once mentioned it in my presence. - The inquisitor answered absently. - In fact, I suspect they might even know we’re here right now. 
IDMR Overseer Vero Jissard and Inquisitor Rhugo Nadhar
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This topic was modified 2 years ago 3 times by quterr
Posted : 22/05/2023 10:03 pm
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