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Receive the Key

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“I thought you might show up here.”

The cold, metal doors opened and an Officer of the Imperial Consortium entered the office chamber. With quick, silent strides, he was soon before a Regional Prefect of the Church of the Force.

“Indeed. One of the reasons why I came dressed as I am,” came the officer’s reply, nodding at his standard Imperial Officer Uniform.

A smile formed on the Prefect’s lips as she continued facing the brilliant yellow crystal in the middle of the room.

“But not the only reason, I presume,” she paused, then continued, “They’re beautiful, aren’t they. Christophsis is known for its brilliant blue-green crystals, but it is the yellow ones we prize the most.”

“Not the only crystals you and your people are willing to die for, are they?” answered the Officer, “You know what I came here for.”

An elder, who until this moment was shocked into silence, finally spoke up.

“Who is this? Why did our guards let him in? Do you know what his Empire means to do to us, your Exaltedness?” the Elder choked out.

“I do. But more importantly I know what his Empire wants with the Kyber; what his Empire has done in the past with Kyber. He has come here for the location of our stashes.”

“As for who I am, I can readily answer that,” the Officer said to the Elder, “I am General Alphaeus Menall of the 109th Attack battalion, Imperial Consortium. Your Prefect is correct, I have come for the location of the Kyber stashes.”

Turning around, the Prefect motioned to the office surrounding them. Above the door frame, standing prominently against the gray of the room, was the crest of the Galactic Republic. 

“You see, General, this office was once the headquarters of many high ranking Republic officials after the battles of Christophsis many years ago. During the rise of the Empire, it continued to serve their administrators. When the Empire was at last defeated, many of the equipment that used to torture our civilization was used to serve a new and better society run by the Church,” announced the Prefect, “Clearly, anything that was once yours can be taken by us and made into something far better than the evils of the Empire.”

She once again paused before continuing, “So no, you will not be getting the location of our secret hordes of Kyber. They will be used to benefit the Church of the Force and those who continue the fight against your horrendous Empire. The force is powerful, General, and the torture techniques you and your troops brought here today will not break my elder or myself. We would rather die than reveal the location of our Crystals.”

General Menall sighed before answering, “I did not come here with any soldiers or help, Your Eminence. I came alone.”

“Then it seems we have overestimated the cleverness of the Empire,” responded the Elder. I don’t know how you got past the guards, but there are many more like them that can be called in an instant. You’re vulnerable, General.”

But the Prefect remained silent, remained thoughtful. Finally, tilting her head, she responded with a simple phrase.

“How do you know, General?”

Menall smiled, then answered while the elder stared dumbfounded at his Prefect.

“The people of Christophsis are tough and resilient survivors. They have dealt with years of warfare and strife. The Church of the Force combines these strengths with the strengths of the Jedi and their followers; every one of you are survivors. Which is the main reason I came in full uniform. I needed you to see that your defeat would come at the hands of the Empire. Not a ragtag remnant surviving much as yourself, but the Empire. Moreover, it was your very survival that led to your defeat. The tools of the Empire, turned tools of the Church of the Force, are now once again the tools of the Empire. You didn’t exactly make it hard on us, your Eminence, only the minimum amount of security was used on them.”

The Regional Prefect stared at the Imperial droid, powered down, in the corner of her office. Her shoulders slumped and she once again turned to look out the window.

The Elder turned to her, “What is the meaning of this, Your Excellence?”

Instead of answering, she instead spoke to the General. 

“It’s true that when we saw the Empire burning we believed we could take what we wanted and fashion it to our own will, the Force’s will. We simply believed that the Empire’s need for control allowed us to easily reprogram all of the droids at once. We never saw the danger in such a convenience. I assume that’s how you got past our guards.”

“KX series droids. They were the most dangerous and thus received higher priority,” acknowledged Menall, “Your droids provided my troops with the location of all the small stashes of kyber on this continent. Your personal files will reveal much more.”

Menall opened his mouth to say more, but was cut off by the Prefect.

“The Church of the Force will not surrender, General.”

Menall nodded, “Very well, maybe your compatriots in the mines will. I look forward to our future conversations, your Eminence. Perhaps it will be under more favorable circumstances.”

As the General left the office, two hulking black droids entered the room with wrist shackles crackling with electricity. 


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Posted : 01/06/2023 5:27 pm
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader

Love the figures, and those hologram displays are really nostalgic, I did something similar a while back.

Posted : 17/07/2023 1:46 pm
Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
Reputable Member Akko Missions Faction Leader

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Posted : 19/07/2023 3:40 pm