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"Mining Rigs are great for hiding stuff. Shipments are constantly coming in, going out. Everything's pretty routine, but dangerous enough that no one wants to take a second look. Boring and Dangerous, great combo for keeping people away."
Llanic; your typical Outer Rim drinking hole. Helium clouds meant the mining rigs hovered overhead, usually outside the cities just in case their repulsorlifts failed. But you better believe some corporate negotiator was probably always around trying to change the regulations to get clearance to bring the rigs over populated areas. They lost out on a lot of good material.
Davvy Zaro was there on a job. Some ticket for the Countess, a tip-off about an important cultural treasure that had fallen into the sights of a couple of skilled hunters. As part of the Preservation and Research Foundation (a name Davvy hated saying) it was on them to get it first, and stop it from ending up in some oligarchs' personal gallery, or the hands of some wacked-out remnant. This was the typical operation: you go where all the rumors lead - the Hot Spot. You get the lay of the land, dodge the hunters and any other interested parties, and either make the purchase or the switch before anyone else can. Once the thing, whatever it is, is in your hands, you high-tail it out before someone tries to string you up and grab it for themselves.
Mining rigs were rough places. You had mostly career roughnecks, folks who were used to dirty work for big payouts. Well, and anyone unlucky enough to be "indebted" to the company. No one was treated well, conditions were dangerous, people died all the time. The sooner he was off this thing, the better.
He did a lot of relying on his natural charm - he was quick on his feet, and a great liar. Had been since childhood. Years of acting experience on Cantonica didn't hurt, either. But sometimes charm backfires, and he really should have factored in that some helium miners are just psychopaths who like to hurt people, and that's why society pushed them onto giant floating chunks of durasteel with nobody but their fellow emotionally-stunted meat heads.
"Hey, fellas; let's talk this over, huh? No? Okay, okay, put that thing down! I got the message! I got -"
He broke off in a mad dash, and eventually lost them in the tunnels. Bent over, huffing, he looked up to flash a smile at a passing Aqualish, who didn't even acknowledge that he was there. Probably for the best.
Hopefully he wouldn't see any more of those hostile roughnecks. Joke's on them; he got exactly what he wanted. He looked at the security keycard in his hand, and the ugly mugshot of the Devaronian on it. He pulled a grimace at it, relishing having got one over on the brute.
He looked up and around, trying to find some signage.
"Alright, let's see here . . . Ah-ha. Section 7. There you are. I'm going to get that magic stone, and get off this place before it falls apart."
Well, he went to Section 7. And he found the seller. But selling was never in the cards, and the other hunters weren't actually third-parties - they were the seller's hired muscle. This wasn't a free-for-all. This was Zaro vs. everyone else. Guns pointed his way. Open air behind him. No way out. A real stand-off.
Not his first.
"Well, now we know which leak to clog," said the seller, glaring. He gestured to his men, and they started towards the intrepid Relic Hunter, blaster muzzles up.
There was a time for greatness, usually preceded by desperation. This was one of those moments.
Davvy turned, ran, and jumped off the rig.
The muscle all stood staring at the edge, shocked and dumbfounded. That was a two thousand foot drop, why would anyone sane do that?
Well, Davvy wasn't necessarily sane, but he did have a plan. The coiled grappling hook in his bag, tossed around one of the structural supports, had him swinging gracefully - into the side of a helium storage silo. Once he'd come to a (sudden) stop, he tried to guess at his next move. He grunted, swung himself along and leapt, just barely landing on a catwalk below. His arms wheeled and he dived forward onto his stomach for safety. The very lucky hunter lay there gasping for a minute; this might have been his closest shave yet. And now that he was looking around, another plan was formulating. This had, after all, been a day for improvised plans.
Granted, it was his first improvised plan that involved cranking up the pressure settings on a helium silo, then running as fast he could until it blew sky-high. The entire rig lurched, and he covered his face from the blast of heat, looking back after he thought it was safe. Torn metal, hissing gas, lost helium. That was going to make a lot of people mad. Was that terrorism? Was he a terrorist? Nah, he told himself. He was just really good at his job.
He made his way back to the surface, where everything was in disarray. Looks like his play got a couple of the muscle guys. Then he spotted the seller, guarding the bag under his shoulder, looking for a safe way out.
Davvy drew his blaster.
"End of the line, pal! Looks like your goons value their lives more than your credits. Hand over the artifact, and you're good to go."
The seller looked at him hatefully. "Not a chance, Relic Hunter!"
He reached into the bag and pulled out the stone inside, holding it aloft. It glowed softly, a strange sort of color that caught Davvy's eye and seemed to seep into his brain. All he could think about was the stone. Suddenly, stealing it didn't seem like a great idea. Disrespectful, really.
Anyone looking on would notice that Davvy's eyes took on a dull red gleam as he fell under the Sunstar's influence. Soon, he was paralyzed, all thoughts of his mission faded and muffled.
He woke up to find no seller, no Sunstar, and rig security knocking him to the floor.
"Hey! What's the big idea?"
"You're under arrest on suspicion of industrial sabotage! Shut up!"
"Hey, it wasn't me!" he lied, grunting as they wrenched his arms into a pair of cuffs. He looked up to see the Devaronian from earlier, a wicked grin on his face, picking his teeth with a screw.
Davvy grit his teeth and gave up the struggle, as security pulled him to his feet and carted him towards the brig.
Maybe he'd spoke too soon about being good at his job.

Thanks for looking!
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order
[Admin] This entry has scored 18 XP.
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order