Restoration of a Ne...
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Restoration of a New Order

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Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader
Topic starter

Governor Foga Brill stood in the center of a large, duracrete room, anxiously tracking the progress of the Consortium invaders. The distant rumbling of explosions had gradually risen in intensity, now shaking the very fortress in which Brill hid. Earlier, he had thought the battle winnable, but now he figured he’d be lucky to escape with his life. His fleet, which had previously discouraged attacks by the New Republic, had been shattered. Reinforcements from the Consortium broke through and deployed more forces onto the once invincible world.

Unbeknownst to him, most of Brill’s subordinates hoped he would lose. He had done nothing but ruin the Prakith system since Palpatine’s death. He gradually collected more power for himself, squeezing it from Protectorate citizens to do so. Rebellions were dealt with swiftly and aggressively, without regard for collateral damage. When he called upon assistance from the Imperial Consortium, it became clear that Brill was losing his grip on Prakith. To the pleasant surprise of all but the most die-hard loyalists, the Consortium turned on the tyrant governor, mobilizing forces to depose him.

So now, in the midst of a crumbling personal empire, Brill had run out of time.

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I need to improve my camera quality

Posted : 21/11/2023 3:50 am
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

Although this is a simple build, I do like the rubble beneath the hole in the ceiling. Apart from that, though, it's a bit drab - all grays with simple, flat walls, ceilings, and floor with little to no texture. More color and texture would go a long way. HOWEVER, I DO like your story!

Posted : 11/03/2024 4:55 pm