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Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
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When the new warship was first discovered under construction at Kuat there wasn’t a clear consensus on its destination. The New Republic called it a “pocket dreadnought”, the Crimson Empire considered it to be a battlecruiser, and the Imperial Consortium insisted upon referring to it only as a “large cruiser”. The Consortium High Command was frustrated that their project had been discovered and immediately set out to convince the other factions that it was strictly for defense and would not be a threat. Unfortunately for them, the only thing the rest of the galaxy agreed on was that the new vessel was a threat.

Sometime in the following weeks the massive craft disappeared from the shipyards at Kuat. Due to the eminent Scoath invasion at the time, this received little holonet coverage and was even dismissed by New Republic intelligence. After all, many Imperial projects had seemingly been canceled due to lack of funding and resources.

When rumors of freighters vanishing in the northern core began circulating, experts from the New Republic initially speculated that it was the work of organized and heavily armed pirates. However, spies within the Pirate Collective revealed that this was not the case, and that the pirates had lost contact with one of their own vessels. A follow up investigation confirmed that the culprit was no ordinary pirate vessel, but in fact a heavily armed warship. Damage sustained by a recovered super freighter was consistent with a 720 teraton turbolaser, and as only Imperial supercapital ships were known to carry such weapons, the list of suspects had been reduced considerably.

The mystery vessel managed to elude the New Republic for nearly a month before finally revealing itself at Brentaal IV. Measuring approximately seven kilometers from bow to stern and bristling with all manner of destructive weapons, there was no doubt that the vessel was a new Imperial Battlecruiser.

The warship, a Retaliation-class cruiser, had recently been completed as part of Black Sword Command’s Project 63. Featuring magpulse torpedoes and a multitude of heavy turbolasers, it was the first in a line of new battlecruisers developed by the Black Sword Command prior to their full integration into the Imperial Consortium. Retaliation would operate independently at Brentaal IV, shielding against hostile forces in the system, until reinforcements could be moved from other worlds.

Addtional Pictures/Information
The basic concept for this vessel emerged from a collab idea with the New Republic, but gradually grew into something quite different. The end result is the Retaliation, an imperial battlecruiser based on the Vengeance-class. A lot of inspiration came from WWI and WWII era warships, particularly the camo used.

Its sister ship, the Revenge, was completed as a carrier and due to a lack of pictures with not recieve its own post.

Posted : 17/08/2023 7:41 pm
Posts: 120
Trusted Member Followers of the Force

Nice to see some more ships coming from you! Love this design, really hits the imperial aesthetic.

Posted : 18/08/2023 2:09 am
Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
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Posted : 07/09/2023 9:15 am