[Admin] This post has scored 26 XP. (Doubled for LTC)
Hey guys, today I am reviewing Lego Star Wars set 7154 from 1999.
This is an older set, as you can tell by the dark and light grey bricks, as well as the dated building style.
It is based on the vehicle introduced 2016 Star Wars film "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (C)". [Editor's note: as you know, Lego receives plans from Lucasfilm (TM) prior to the release of the film. Lucasfilm (R) were generous to give the details seventeen years before the film debut!]
The set is decent proportions to the minifigure, and features a small side build for the "master switch".
There is also a thermal detonator (reference to the Complete Saga videogame), which Baze Malbus (C) can use to blow up the Death Troopers (C)!
The set features a ramp to drop the Death Troopers (C) right into the middle of the Battle of Scarif (TM)!
The figure selection is okay. No pilot, but two Death Troopers (TM) is nice. Baze Malbus (C) is a bit basic but his beard is funky.
I parted this set out, so I cannot comment on price.
Overall, this is a classic version of the Tie Reaper. No interior, and it most certainly does not hold up to modern standards. Let me know what you think of the set in the comment section below!!
Leader of Akko Missions | GM
Looks really like an old set. Creative idea for the presentation as a fake review.
This is sooo great! I have to agree that this really feels like an original set from 1999. Being able to build retro so spot on - I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse. 😆 Regardless - this is really well done! Great attention to what made 1999 feel like 1999.
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
[Admin] This post has scored 26 XP. (Doubled for LTC)
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order