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[S5 - Raxus Prime - CE] Inquisitorius on Raxus Prime

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Ninja Nin
Posts: 24
Rising Member Crim Empire
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After several battles against the Scavengers, Commander Irivan and Inquisitor Ereon Tas returned to the Guild Facility. They planned their next attack in the command centre. Ereon’s team had arrived to help as well.

Shortly Raxus Prime would be secured and Ereon intended to setup his secret operation. While the planet was known as the garbage pit of the Galaxy, it held many ancient mysteries beneath its trash filled surface. Ancient Sith artifacts were buried deep beneath the planet's surface. Some were excavated by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Ereon wanted to acquire those which were left.

Everything was going as planned …….. until ……

[FEMALE VOICE] : There you are ……..

Shara Do-ta, the powerful Inquisitor who led the Invasion of Lothal, came into the command centre with Sariss, a Dark Jedi apprentice from Dromund Kaas.

SHARA : You must withdraw the troops and cease all the operations on this wasteland. You must join our next fights in Ithor.

EREON : You may be a senior member at the Inquisitorious and Crimson Command, but you are not in the position to give me orders.

Shara switched on her red lightsaber, and so did all the others.

SHARA : Old Guard, if you are not joining, then it is treason. The command came from the Empress herself. Luke Skywalker’s students would be there.

After hearing the name Skywalker, Ereon paused and switched off his lightsaber. The Jedi who killed the Emperor and destroyed what the Royal Guards stood for. Now he will have a chance to seek vengence.

EREON : When do we start ?


Complete MOC

Thank you for reading.

This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Ninja Nin


Posted : 05/08/2023 8:57 am
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 21/08/2023 7:32 pm