Scavenging on Mygee...
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[Solved] Scavenging on Mygeeto

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The Koro-2’s upgraded engines roared behind Wedge Frane’s head in a satisfying decrescendo as he eased down his restored muscle speeder toward the crumbling platform.

His dear friend Roby Aurbesh was standing below, hailing him toward the find of the day—of the year, even.
Old Mygeeto’s decrepit, war-torn platforms had been a favorite scavenge site within the classic speeder restoration and collecting community for years. The wreckage of Republic and CIS tanks littered the now-abandoned region of the planet that had seen the brunt of the fighting towards the end of the Clone Wars. Apparently, during the Imperial era, it had been more cost-effective—and less dangerous—to rebuild the platforms at a nearby location rather than repair the existing framework. The lights of the new city could even be seen shimmering through the snow and fog toward the horizon, not far from the old location.
Wedge could see Roby’s excitement. The two had spent the past year restoring Wedge’s Koro-2 that they had bought off a smuggler back on Coruscant; now, it was Roby’s turn to join the speeder collecting club. He had selected a convertible XJ-6; it was currently back on Coruscant in the garage. Other than the paint job, it was nearly complete. All that was keeping it from flying was an inertial compensator. Roby was standing right next to one—even sealed in box, a spare likely from a supply ship.
“You crazy son of a bitch, you did it,” Wedge muttered through a grin as he lept (or rather, stumbled) out of his grounded speeder.

The two old men were veterans of the galactic civil war. Neither had seen any fighting, since both had been stationed in the capital city of the Empire. They were stormtroopers in the city guard, which was often made up of men of much older age than the poor young saps who were sent to the front lines.
As the war ended and the troops surrendered to the Rebel forces that eventually arrived, Roby had turned to Wedge—and letting out a short laugh—admitted he had been a Rebel spy throughout the entire war. Wedge had immediately punched him in the shoulder, scoffing and quipping that there’s no way their boring barracks had supplied even one good piece of info to the Alliance. Roby had laughed and admitted that he was completely correct.
This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy
Posted : 30/03/2022 8:31 pm
Comander Rovern
Posts: 80
Trusted Member Crim Empire

Awesome build and cool story! Love the backstory with the guys.

Posted : 30/03/2022 8:43 pm
starwarcam reacted
Posts: 23
Rising Member Pirate Collective
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@comander-rovern Thanks for the read and the comment!

Posted : 30/03/2022 8:57 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Nice scene! The lights really provide a great atmosphere imo. I love the rusty bars jotting out of the platform, but the shaping of the gray looks a little more than a free-form rock base. It would be nice with more jagged edges, and cracks running into the platform - assuming it was broken off? 😊 

The speeder is beautiful - a bit bulky, but in my head-canon It's just the big brother of the speeder we see in AotC. Great work as always!

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 31/03/2022 12:43 pm
starwarcam reacted
Posts: 23
Rising Member Pirate Collective
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@darth-bjorn Thanks Darth! Yes I suppose I must have been counting on significant erosion to account for the smooth rock edge instead of jagged and cracking haha

Posted : 31/03/2022 8:15 pm
Posts: 229
Reputable Member Followers of the Force

Cool build Cam. As I commented elsewhere the way that central grey strip petered out worked really well. I also like the metal struts poking out the broken ends. 

The ship is nice with the subtle colouring. How many shades of blue in there in the end?

The lights add a lot of atmosphere to the build. 

Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 03/04/2022 6:24 am
starwarcam reacted
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[Admin] This entry has scored 17 XP.

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Posted : 10/05/2022 8:52 pm