Seizing the Means o...
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Seizing the Means of Production

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Captain Havok
Posts: 140
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau Faction Leader
Topic starter

Not long after Lord Siv Korho struck a deal with the Besadii crime family, the Mogoshyn Garrison was deployed to Sleheyron. Securing the Tibanna Gas refineries would be instrumental in furthering the goals of the Crim Imperium. Rothana Heavy Engineering required a near constant flow of refined Tibanna Gas in order to keep starship development on schedule and Sleheyron’s proximity to the Triellus Trade Route deemed it a perfect source for the coveted gas cannisters. The recent unification of Imperial Remnants was a sudden but welcome change for Imperial held worlds that had teetered on the edge of destitution for the last decade. This operation was to be held up as a shining example of cooperation between Imperial Remnants.


The convoy of Mechanised Infantry Division rolled off the Gozanti Cruisers and sped towards their destination: Besadii Mining Town. It was to be a joint operation between the Mogoshyn Army and the Rothana Remnant's Navy. While the navy was busy securing each of the floating refineries above the clouds of Sleheyron, the army was down on the surface, preparing the workers for their relocation. The Hutts had let miners remain down on the surface with their families while they were not under contract. It was decided that in order to reach the new mandatory production levels the Empire required, all contracts were to be extended indefinitely and the miner’s families would now be housed on one of the discontinued refineries. A CrimSec intelligence report had suggested that workers were less likely to go AWOL if they had more of an incentive to complete their assignment. Holding their loved ones hostage 1.9 Parsecs above the planet’s surface was deemed a sufficient enough incentive.


Thanks for looking! As always, feedback is welcome.

Additional Images

Primary Shot

The TX-329 GAVr “Engager” (Light Infantry Speeder)

Inspiration: Chevrolet 30 cwt unarmored truck used by the Long Range Desert Group

Detail Shots


Bryx Security Bureau | Faction Leader

Posted : 31/05/2023 10:50 pm
oskarfaze reacted
Posts: 20
New Member Followers of the Force

The build is fantastic, the detailed shots look phenomenal and i love the vehicle! 
Personally what i'd love to see would be a figbarf shot of the troopers to see the design a bit better 😀

Member of the New Jedi Order

Posted : 01/06/2023 6:45 am
Captain Havok
Posts: 140
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau Faction Leader
Topic starter

@oskarfaze Thanks Oscar, good idea! I'll add that in.

Bryx Security Bureau | Faction Leader

Posted : 01/06/2023 8:24 am
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader

Nice vehicle (could have used some extra weathering from all the sand and dust perhaps) and good use of nets for the terrain. That immersive shot is kinda wacky, looks like they are on a movie set. The mushroom fauna is nice, makes the planet look ore alien.

Posted : 17/07/2023 12:44 pm
Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
Reputable Member Akko Missions Faction Leader

This entry has earned 17 XP.

Leader of Akko Missions | GM

Posted : 19/07/2023 2:56 pm