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[Solved] SPARE SQUADRON [K-12, Kalist Vi, TIC]

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Posts: 11
New Member Imperial Consortium
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  The Imperial Quasar jumped into the system rapidly and viciously as far as light speed exits go. The ship had too in order to remain undetected, exiting as close to Kalist VI as possible. As the ship drifted down towards the planet below, five quick insertion orbital drop pods fell from the underside and the Quasar veered right before jumping to hyperspace again!

  The five pods rocketed down towards the planets surface below, burning red hot as they entered the atmosphere. The pods were built for quick undetected insertion and reinforcement, able to bring a squad of troopers from a ship in orbit to the battlefield below in moments! As the pods approached they’re designed landing points air brakes screamed open in sequence and landing thrusters blasted from the bottom of the pods as they slammed into the rocky terrain of Kalist! Not a second after impact, the blast doors on the pods blasted open and five Imperial special forces soldiers, dressed all in black death and Shadow clad trooper armor, exited pod by pod. They would be the final Consortium forces to reinforce the operation on Kalist…
[Members of Spare Squadron]


This topic was modified 3 years ago by OG-Bricks
This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy
Posted : 11/07/2022 7:39 pm
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

[Admin] This entry has scored 6 XP

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 01/09/2022 2:56 pm
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

Wonderful ships! I'd love one of the full shots of the fleet in this post, I saw them on your Flickr and they're so cool.

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 01/09/2022 2:56 pm