“Keep that trench clear!”
“Our flank’s falling!”
The orders came from all sides, as did the enemy. Bolts and shells were raining throughout the trenches. The screams of the dying mixed with the screams of the Scaoth invaders.
Aim. Fire. Repeat.
Aim. Fire. Repeat.
No matter how many shots rang from the allied trenches, the Scaoth got ever closer. Each one that fell was replaced by a dozen more all wielding weapons of varying technological ability. All they had to do was hold here. If they held here then the invincible Mandalorians and Stormtroopers could storm the Fortress walls.
A wail alerted him to the presence of a warrior who managed to enter the trench. Before he could turn his blaster his attacker, the Scaoth warrior was already bringing down the vibroblade…
The tram car jostled suddenly and Corporal Tel Sintor woke with a start. Blinking several times, it took him a few minutes to remember that he was sitting in a transport vehicle at the Imperial Shipyards on Fondor and not the hellish landscape of Ra’un. After the planet was secured, many soldiers from all the allied forces suffered terrible flashbacks and nightmares. Sintor himself had, for many nights, relived those moments in the trenches. The nightmares didn’t bother him so much anymore, and returning to military service seemed a welcome way to keep his mind off of past battles. After the Battle of Xhile, Sintor had been given a few weeks leave and a promotion, but it hadn’t taken long for the 109th to be called to arms once again.
“Hey droid!” called an Army trooper sitting behind Sintor, “Take it easy up there!”
“Stow it, Private,” answered the soldier next to Sintor, “It can’t hear you. Just be grateful you don’t have to walk to the staging grounds.”
“I’d rather walk if it means I don’t have to ride in this sith-cursed tram,” the trooper responded.”
Sintor stayed silent throughout the exchange. He’d seen so many hotshot soldiers like them throughout the streets of Fondor. If he were still a betting man, Sintor would claim these two had yet to see battle. If the reports about what was happening in the core were half as accurate as they claimed, Sintor was sure they would soon enough. Every soldier in the Army hoped their squad would be headed for Coruscant. They all wanted to serve the near-mythical Lord Valtros and retake the old power of the Empire. Sintor started thinking about how he wouldn’t mind seeing Coruscant flying the Imperial Banner again, but snapped out of it once he realized the trooper who had yelled at the droid was once again ranting.
“...that fancy armour and the cold stare. Give me a break,” he scoffed, “They couldn’t even stop the rebellion when the Empire had control of the Galaxy! It’s ridiculous they’d send them with us to the core. Military campaigns are for the Army anyway, and…”
“PRIVATE!” shouted the soldier next to Sintor, “For the last time, shut your mouth! We all know those troopers are every bit as well trained as they claim they are. Besides, we don’t exactly have the numbers we once had. This isn’t Mimban, Private, we’ll need every trooper we can get if we’re going to hold Coruscant.”
After silencing the private, the soldier next to Sintor turned to face him.
“What about you, trooper?” she asked, “You headed for Coruscant too?”
“I’m Corporal Tel Sintor and I’m going wherever the 109th sends me,” he answered. It was a complete lie, but Sintor wasn’t about to let these Army Regulars know where he was really going. It hadn’t been too long after the 109th was called back to arms that Sintor had resigned from Consortium service and requested to be transferred to the Pentastar Alignment. Sintor remembered seeing the stormtroopers of the Pentastar patrol fighting valiantly against the Scaoth Horde. And while he knew he wanted to see what else the Galaxy had to offer, Sintor knew his true loyalty was to the Empire. The Pentastar Allignment seemed a good match.
“Well, you know what they say,” she responded and outstretched her hand, “Good soldiers follow orders. Corporal Carmenn Ross, 81st Battalion. Don’t mind Private Ackod back there. If he were half as good at running an E-11 as he is running his mouth, he’d be a Moff by now.”
Before Sintor could respond, the Tram came to abrupt stop outside Dock 7b: Frigate Dockyard. Grabbing his pack, Sintor noticed Private Ackod staring suspiciously at him.
“The entirety of the 109th is leaving on frigates?” he asked.
Sintor simply shrugged and answered, “We’re fighting for our lives on Coruscant, Private. I’m assuming all larger vessels are needed for the attack.”
Ackod seemed pacified by the mention of Coruscant and he turned around in his seat once more. After gathering his gear and returning Corporal Ross’ handshake, Sintor walked into the Dockyard’s staging ground. Upon entry, Sintor noticed he wasn’t the only one who had decided to sign with the Pentastar Alignment. At the end of the long room stood a group of around 70 Army and Navy troopers. Walking around the group was a large group of Pentastar Patrol units carefully searching each of the new recruits. The Alignment’s reputation for isolationism and defensiveness certainly wasn’t misguided. After passing through the grim-looking Patrol members, Sintor walked to an Imperial Shuttle destined for the Hangar bay of of the Nebulon-B frigate that would be taking them to Pentastar Space.
As he stepped on the shuttle, Corporal Tel Sintor faced Consortium territory for one last time. Even though he was leaving one part of the Empire, he would make sure to make his new Empire proud.
These are my last two posts for the Imperial Consortium as I am moving over to the Pentastar Alignment. Thank you all and thanks for viewing!

Great build! I absolutely love the story!
This is amazing! Your builds and stories never fail to impress
This entry has earned 15 XP
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
Great story! The tram is very cool too.