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[Station Build] Mando'ade Council

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Trusted Member Haelos Star Yards
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  A group photo of the Lesser Mando'ade Council, which represent various interests within the galaxy. Many members of the Lesser Council are also members of the Ka'ra, or High Council. The primary place of common ground for the council to meet is at Morut Station, above Taris.


Belcor of the Outer Clans:

  Belcor generally represents the interests of smaller, scattered populations of Mandalorians, including the many Mandalorians who have become bounty hunters or have settled in various coverts across the galaxy. While he is not technically part of one of the noble clans, he is treated as such by the other council members, and is tolerated much more by Clan Ge'tal.

Nuryce of the Noble Clan:

  Nuryce is known to be a loyal leader of the Noble Clan. As one of the noble clans, the Noble Clan generally side with the Clan of Wrath in most political or civil matters. The Noble Clan is devoted to the protection and safety of all of the clans, and tend to lead peacekeeping campaigns on Mandalorian worlds under siege. The clan is known for peace, but they still keep their blades sharp, and shields ready.

Sarad'yc Aaloya'den:

  The leader of 'The Clan of Wrath', which is one of the clans of higher leadership among the Mando'ade. Sarad'yc is one of the most respected leaders of both the Ka'ra and the Lesser Council. Despite being political adversaries in almost every matter, she makes a point to include Khaden Vor in the council, which has earned the respect of the Red Clan, if not their allegiance.

Akaan'alor Tor Varus:

  Warmaster Tor Varus is the primary general of Mandalorian military forces. Tor is not recognized as a member of any clan specifically, but is rather recognized as the clan leader of the military. His role within the military, and the respect of the council, have bought him a seat on the council, as he is often brought in for advising strategy in military matters, which have become more common in recent times.

Alor'ad Jerrel Marekor:

  Captain Jerrel Marekor is the leader of a couple clans that have merged, becoming the New Crusaders. The New Crusaders are a group that, despite dressing like the Neo Crusaders of old, and being a highly trained military unit, generally act in the interest of peace. The New Crusaders operate separately from the rest of the Mando'ade military, which often leads to friction between Jerrel and Warmaster Tor. The Crusaders have also given popularity to a newer style of heavy beskar'gam (armour) that forsakes the classic T-shape visor, and to some extent serves as a disguise to uneducated foes.

Khaden Vor Ge'tal:

  Khaden Vor leads Aliit Ge'tal, or the Red Clan. The red clan is no longer recognized as a noble clan as it was members of the red clan who fought alongside Darth Maul and Clan Vizsla, and brought a civil war which led to the Battle of Mandalore, a war which weakened the Mando'ade and left them exposed to the Empire. The red clan has often taken sides against their own people in many fights, and generally work against the noble clans in any political or civil conflict. Though Khaden respects the council, and the traditions of his people, the red clan often perpetuates hostilities and in-fighting to seek leverage against the Clan of Wrath, as it was them who originally removed Aliit Ge'tal from the noble clans.



  Clan Vizsla generally abstained from the politics of the other clans, in part because while they were respected, they were also no longer considered to be one of the noble clans. Naruun Vizsla had been the only voice for his clan on the council until his death, which was part of the reason Hayk had been recognized as an honorary council member.

Posted : 14/01/2023 11:36 pm
Posts: 302
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Great to know more of your lore!

Posted : 15/01/2023 12:45 am
Posts: 451
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Posted : 04/04/2023 9:35 am