Storm the Stashes
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Storm the Stashes

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Senate (Max)
Posts: 38
Rising Member Pentastar Alignment Faction Leader
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“Check it out, 734, even now, they’re still defending Christophsis.”

The rock and crystal fields of Christophsis were teeming with the bodies of Church of the Force militants and their vehicles, many of which were reused Clone Wars matériel. In the midst of this battlefield Stormtroopers of the 71st Mobile/Recon Infantry were deployed to capture a large stash of kyber crystals hidden away in the crystal caverns of Christophsis.

“Drop the helmet, 568, that clone’s been gone for a long time now. The only thing using those helmets are scavengers and thieves.”

“Relax, I’m not keeping it. Thing’s practically ancient,” TK-568 paused, “Still, they say this armour was some of the best made. I guess it has to be if it’s survived two wars.”

TK-734 rolled her eyes underneath her own helmet, “We didn’t come here for more of your collectibles. I swear the higher-ups should put you in R and D; then you could spend all day with your trinkets.”

“You know I’d rather be out here in the field than in some lab. Besides, how else would I get to enjoy seeing all these crystals for the three-thousandth time,” TK-568 responded.

TK-734 smirked, “Maybe next time sign up for a campaign on Umbara or something. Very exciting scenery.”

“Very funny, 734,” said TK-568, “But would it have killed the General to assign us anything but the recon jobs?”

TK-734 knelt to examine the path before her. She’d been part of the 71st ever since its founding after Endor and knew how to determine what ground would be supportive enough for walkers and other heavy machinery.

A low rumbling soon alerted the Stormtroopers to the presence of three TIE/sct Scout Century Tanks maneuvering swiftly around crystals jutting up from the ground. As soon as they passed, TK-568 turned to TK-734.

“Aerial units must’ve found some more Rebels, the Colonel doesn’t usually send Tanks unless she expects a fight.”

“Well, we are getting closer to a stash. It’s reasonable to assume that Rebel defenses will get–


A series of loud explosions and screams burst from behind TK-568 and TK-734.


734 let out a string of curses and raised her rifle. 568 took a defensive position next to her. They looked cautiously around at other stormtroopers doing the same. After a few minutes with no further detonations, 734 yelled over at a pair of troopers behind a large crystal. 

“What in Piett’s holy name was that?

“Some sort of mine,” they yelled back, “632’s squad was on the path. Looks like the Rebs mined it on their retreat. Sergeant Windrow says to stay off the main road and remain alert.”

“Great. Now it’s going to take us twice as long to reach the stash,” grumbled TK-568.

“Yes, but at least now we know we’re getting close. Every trap these Rebs have set for us has been near their hordes,” answered TK-734.

“Well, let’s just hope traps are the best defenses they have. I’ve got a history of the Sith Wars to finish back at the barracks.

After waiting a few more moments, the 71st Mobile got back to it’s march across the rocky plains of Christophsis.



This Concludes my Christophsis Campaign! Thanks for viewing!


Come visit the Dazzling Crystal Caverns of Christophsis! It's a vacation for the whole family to enjoy! Make magical memories in the caves and return for a stay in the luxurious housing in the city!

Sorry everyone, I had to. The alliteration demanded it. I'll see myself out.


Additional Images

T.I.E./sCT Scout Century Tank 

- Scout version of the Century Tank (My Own Design)

- Top Speed of 105 km/h on level terrain (little to no obstructions)

- Armed with: Two chin-mounted Medium blaster cannons and two concussion missile tubes.

Build without Minifigures or Vehicle


This topic was modified 2 years ago by Senate (Max)
Posted : 15/06/2023 2:38 am
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader

Awesome tank, love it! Perhaps the clone is a bit of a caricature given how much time has passed. but I don't really mind.

Posted : 17/07/2023 1:52 pm
Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
Reputable Member Akko Missions Faction Leader

This entry has earned 13 XP.

Leader of Akko Missions | GM

Posted : 19/07/2023 3:47 pm