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[Solved] [Story Build][Flashback] Kaitachack's End

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  It was over. Hayk wasn't sure how long the fight had been, but there the Krayt Dragon lay dead, with it's tongue lolling from it's mouth. Where it had once moved with a ferocious vigour, now the creature's stillness seemed almost unnatural. Hayk half expected the beast to move suddenly, taking it's prey by surprise... but Hayk knew better. The once-majestic beast was dead.

  One of the Ghorfas had managed to find something that they had taken out of the beast, something they seemed to treasure. In a sign of honour, they gave the small object to Naruun, who wiped it off with a rag, and in turn, handed it to Hayk.

  'This was your victory.' He said, matter-of-factly. 'The only reason I'm here is as an excuse to sight in Bessi,' he added, favouring an ornately decorated rifle.

  'And to meet new people, make some new friends... free an entire species of nomadic tribespeople from having to hide in a crater...' Hayk teased.

  'Yeah, yeah, yeah... Have a closer look at that.' Naruun nodded his helmet towards the small marble-like object in his hand. 'Do you know what that is?'

  'If I were to guess, I'd say it is a Krayt Dragon pearl,' Hayk replied as he looked deep into the surface of the dark sphere. It seemed like there was a distant glimmer emanating from the pearl's center.

  'I see you have been reading some of those datapads I lent you,' Naruun retorted with mock impression. 'These things can also be used as the heart of a saber... many of the pearls are actually shards of kyber that are slowly worn down over the years, becoming a polished sphere, like this one.' After a moment, he looked over towards the other members of the hunting party. The Ghorfa chief was looking down at his Gaffi-stick, which had been broken in half during the battle. He seemed to be mourning silently.


  Hayk and Naruun meandered over to the group, and joined as they discussed in wild gestures and flailing arms all the events of the past days on Ket. The Ghorfa chief told Bat'tan that it was good to visit his world, and that stories of Ket and the fight with the Dragon would be told for many years, and passed on to the children to be told for many generations. The other two sandpeople agreed emphatically. The massiff stood just outside of the group, near Hayk's leg, giving cautious glances at the massive creature laying in the sand.

  'Bat'tan...' Naruun said gently, '...we should head back to Kataphet and spread the news. We'll also need to recruit some hands to help cut this thing up. It is a shame we had to kill it, but the least we can do is make sure the meat goes to some use.'

  Bat'tan nodded, then he gestured for the group to follow him, and they set off towards some distant brown rocks on the horizon. The Windwalker moved in his strange fashion out of habit. The rest of the group followed him, half out of jest, and half out of respect for their guide and new friend.



This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn
Posted : 04/10/2022 4:24 am
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 15/10/2022 12:09 pm