[Admin] Entry Score | 15 XP
On the planet of Commenor, the New Republic has been working with local security forces to restore stability following insurgency from Imperial Remnants stationed on the planet.
A group of New Republic technicians work to fit concussion missiles onto a Commenor Planetary-Defence Force N1 Starfighter.
*Note to judges: the N1 is based upon Inthert's Nabo N1 Starfighter, however the upper nose section and side panels have been altered to incoporate the new colour scheme, and the engine assemblies are my own design. The weapons and ground equipment is also my own design.
Thank you for viewing, and any comments and feedback are welcome.
Great looking ship!
This build is SHIPSHAPE. Because the shapes of the ship are so GOOD
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order
[Admin] Entry Score | 15 XP
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order