Summer Euphoria
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Summer Euphoria

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2 Users
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Posts: 27
Rising Member Bryx Security Bureau
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The vibrant shores of Boz Pity were a pleasant sight to behold, especially during the summer, when the cool ocean wind swept in from the sea and the various avian species made their yearly migration towards warmer habitats. 

Boz Pity proved to be a docile world due to its relatively small population, and little effort was needed to keep the world pacified and under Crim Empire authority. Garrison Commanders soon began issueing leave days to troopers and many of them found themselves enjoying the humid breeze and expansive beaches of the shoreline. And of course some of the local alcoholic liquor. 

This topic was modified 2 years ago by thepigeon24
Posted : 16/07/2023 8:54 am
Brickwolf reacted
Spud The Viking
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Posted : 24/07/2023 10:26 am