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The Boy who cried Seawolf
Bant left Mon Cala at an early age to seek his fortune among the stars rather than the waves. Soon finding prices on the flashy Core Worlds were exorbitant, he – temporarily, he insisted – found work as a watchman on a floating seafood factory in the Corellian system. To spice up the monotonous work, Bant entertained himself with stories of the legendary sea-monsters said to dwell in the depths of the surrounding oceans of the planet Selonia.
On one particularly boring shift, Bant set off the station’s emergency klaxons – “Sea-wolf!”, he cried. He found it hilarious to see the butchery crew scramble for cover. “It must have been a ghost signal”, he claimed to the warden when no attack materialised.
Several months later, disgruntled after losing large at a game of high-stakes-for-him sabacc, he set off the alarm again. He felt a twinge of guilt when one of the gamblers was injured running to man the guard stations, but overall considered it justice.
Bant eventually scraped together enough credits to book transit offworld. Partway through his final shift, however, a mysterious blip appeared on his sensor screen. Could it be? An actual sea-wolf? Surely not…
Bant waited. Surely it was a false echo; it kept coming.
Surely it would pass by the floating factory; it kept coming.
As his anxiety mounted, Bant eventually sounded the alarm. Piercing klaxons wailed across the station. Blue and purple warning lights flashed.
From his elevated platform, he watched in dismay as no one moved; no one reacted. Bant managed to catch the eye of one worker, a mean-looking Karkarodan, but the burly worker only spat and looked away with a sneer.
Bant glanced back at his sensor. Whatever it was, the blip was moving fast and had almost reached the station. Bant thumped his flippered hand hard against the plasteel window but no one heard or reacted – at least until, with a spray of sea-foam, an enormous pink beast burst out of the water as though shot from a cannon. Bant caught a glimpse of pink scales interspersed with blue fins and writhing milky-white barbels before the monster crashed through the harvesting platform, taking several workers with it.
The sea monster burst out of the water again and this time Bant saw its rows of jagged teeth – as it tore through the now panicking Karkarodon. It struck again and again.
At last, Bant saw the factory’s guards charge forward, but he realised with a sinking feeling – they were too late. The factory had begun lilting dangerously to one side. The platform was going down – and with it, Bant realised, his chance of getting offworld any time soon.
Later, as Bant abandoned and swum away from the factory, he lamented:
Why? … Why, oh why hadn’t the guards reacted faster? If only they'd heeded his warning, they could have stopped the beast. Bant would have been free of this nasty, stinking place!
Build notes
Close up of the workers:
Close up of the guards:
Close up of the warden (a prize from Episode II raffle draw):
Hope you enjoyed! I dedicate this build to our excellent peer, Simulterious, because - yes - I had planned this to be a Mon Cala build before he so elegantly build upon that planet. 🤣
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
I love the use of alien heads as aquatic food in the bin!
@cyrusbuilds thanks! There is meant to be a progression from full tentacles in the crane net; orange flesh into the bins; then remove the suckers into bins.
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Smashing work on the building, it looks great, and the sea creature is very distinctive too
I somehow missed this post earlier, but damn! This is great a great build overall, the sea monster especially. Kudos!
This entry has earned 30XP (x2 LTC)
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries