[The Crimson War] A...
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[The Crimson War] A Mandalorian's Commute

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Trusted Member Haelos Star Yards
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  Hayk sat at the controls, preparing a jump out of the Caamas system, pondering the events of the last couple months. Word had spread that the Crimson War, as it had come to be known, was coming to some precipice... many worlds across the sector were being attacked by the recently self-declared Crimson Empire, and both sides were throwing punches as they stood, locked in combat on the sheer edge, with no ground in sight below. Efforts to stop the Second Caamasi Genocide had left the world scarred for a second time, but this time, the scars would heal. And this time, there were more survivors to tell the tale. It had been a much longer campaign on Caamas than Hayk had expected, but the time had come for him to leave this world in the capable hands of the defenders, and see where he would be needed most now.

  The Mando'ade Council had kept Hayk informed of some of the exploits on other worlds from both sides. A scout had been sent to Raithal, but Hayk hadn't heard much of what was happening there. Stories of some droid uprising on Castell where old Separatist droids were defending the world from the various Imperial Remnant forces there. There were also whispers of some technological terror hidden in the Shelkonwa system. All of this was furthered by Hayk's own reports on the heroics and tragedies of the Battle for Caamas.

  Another peculiar rumour had also made it to Hayk's ears: the existence of a Yurk Hargin's Droid Repair franchise on Belnar. This one would need to be investigated further, as Hayk wasn't aware of there being other franchises for his business. He'd have to talk to the happily-retired Yurk when he made it back to Celanon.

  Hayk pushed the throttle forwards for the hyperdrive, and space began to blur to splotches of light and dark in the viewscreen. He wasn't entirely sure which of the war-torn worlds he had absent-mindedly plugged into the nav computer, but he would figure it out when he got there, he supposed. Perhaps he'd find himself on Belnar, to see this mysterious franchise for himself.


I was only able to get a single photo before the wings fell off and then the rest of the ship ended up breaking too, but I have some pictures at various stages of editing.

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Posted : 21/10/2023 7:18 pm
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 24/10/2023 10:25 pm