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On the Planet of Chandrila a couple day later....
New Republic Lieutenant- Here's the disk, were are my credits?
Agent Malk of Phoenix Squadron- Your credits have been transferred, give us the disk.
New Republic Lieutenant- Ok, will look forward to doing business again.
Agent Malk of Phoenix Squadron- Likewise.
Agent Sam of Phoenix Squadron- We have the disk Commander.
Commander Rovern- Good work, go to the pick-up point, we have a shuttle there for you.
Agent Sam of Pheonix Squadron- Ok... Malk lets go!
Had fun making this, The alley way that this is supposed to take place in was fun to build, thanks for letting me be able to be here. Long Live the Empire!
nice corner scene!
ARGO Industries employee
Nice little build, but I'm having trouble identifying who is who.
Nice little entry.
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
[Admin] This post has scored 3 XP
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order