Established during the Galactic Civil War, the Chandrillan Home Guard is a volunteer organisation with the purpose of defending the planet of Chandrilla. With the bulk of the planet's standing military offworld fighting the Empire, part-time volunteer soldiers enlisted to help protect their home planet. While they operate older equipment, and receive less training than their professional counterparts, this is more than offset by their determination. Now, with Imperial Terrorists attempting to conquer their homeworld, the Guard springs into action. Operating through a network of hidden bases, the Guard's Starfighter Corps prepares to launch strikes against Imperial targets.
Here, a pilot performs pre-flight checks on his N1-C Starfighter, while technicians install a new engine on a newer N1-Xc airframe.
The two fighters are designed to be different. The fighter on the left (an N1-C in head canon) has a simpler interior, conceived as a Chandrillan variant of the original N1, built during the Galactic Civil war.
The other fighter, called an N1-Xa, is a heavily modified an upgraded N1-C, designed to integrate modern avionics from the T-70 X-wing, with newer heavy blaster cannons, a redesigned tail, and strengthened airframe. It has yellow markings to indicate that it is a Squadron Leader's starfighter.
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