The eastward winds ...
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The eastward winds [crimson war]

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Posts: 23
Rising Member Bryx Security Bureau
Topic starter

Ares stepped out of the armoured marauder, she was glad to finally exit the cramped vehicle. the trip hadn't been long enough to warrant the use of a shuttle but still it had lasted enough for discomfort to set in.

She walked towards the aged looking building, grey paint chipped and faded revealing a bright yellow underneath. A colour ubiquitous with the mining guild. Ares had read that the entire facility had been purchased from the guild a few years prior. As she reached the building 2 guards stopped her. After confirming she was the imperial agent scheduled for arrival. One, seemingly the superior of the 2 lead her in. The walk through the building was awkward and tense. The gaurd, nor Ares spoke a word. As they reached the door the gaurd stopped her and said 3 words "long live the emperor"... These words danced around a Ares mind as she walked towards who she assumed was Gil Walden the man she was scheduled to meet.

"Ahh the imperial agent, it is good to finally meet you" he outstretched an arm, Ares shook it. "So the empire has returned to this desolate rock" He spoke. His voice a mix of suprise and disappointment. "Let's cut to the chase" said Ares "the empire controls hok, this mine will be under imperial control are you willing to surrender your resources to the empire?"

I'll have to spend some time to this about this and consider alternat... BANG the instantly recognisable sound of a blaster shot rang out. Waldens expression changed from a face deep thought to a face of agony his hands clutched the hole in his torso as he crumbled to the floor Ares saw the killer it was the gaurd from before! He called out in some alien language Ares couldn't understand and quickly another gaurd dragged the Body away. He introduced himself as Baker Tanau or lieutenant Tanau of the imperial army . "With Gil dead I can easily take control of the mine and I pledge my allegiance to the crimson empire". "will the workers accept this change or will you have a revolt on your hands?" ares asked "it doesn't matter I control every gun in this mine" Ares was satisfied with this answer." the empire will be in touch, you have chosen the right side lieutenant"

[The CE faction applies the Industrial asset on this build]



Posted : 04/10/2023 1:39 am
Captain Havok
Posts: 140
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau Faction Leader

Excellent work! All the antenna's and crates really enhance this build. Think this may be your best work yet!

Bryx Security Bureau | Faction Leader

Posted : 04/10/2023 9:04 am
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

Gorgeous. (What turned the building so...yellow?)

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 23/10/2023 10:24 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

The entry has earned 38XP

This post was modified 1 year ago by Darth Bjorn

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 24/10/2023 8:37 pm