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The Edge of Civilization

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When the wandering male Togorians capture an intruder, they bring them to the capital city of Caross. There, first-time offenders can find transport off-world. After dumping their captives at the city and engaging in some brief trading, the male warriors return to their hunting grounds.


Mrrrowl was doing maintenance on one of the outer power generators again. She hated the job. It was always the mud worgs. Always the same process of pulling the disgusting creatures out from where they clamped on the power converters and squishing them. Always the same calibration to account for the spike in power. Always the same thing. Every day. But that was what it meant to be a female Togorian – confined to one little city on one little planet in one huge galaxy. The Togorians rarely ventured off of their planet. Oh sure, some of the rich matriarchs would go on ‘retreats’ (really spa vacations to Bespin or Coruscant). But the everyday life of a Togorianess was herding animals, assembling electronics, or some other repetitive job. Mrrrowl was a mechanic. She hoped that universally helpful skill would help her get off-planet one day.

The males of her species at least got to see the wilds of the planet. Strictly segregated by sex, the Togorians had a bifurcated society – the males wandered the plains in nomadic bands, hunting and roaming, while the females had opted for the comforts of city life. She hadn’t seen her brother in, what, three seasons? He’d only come back once since his coming of age, to show off his new mosgoth. She missed him.

Just as she was about to extract the last slimy mud worg, she heard someone approaching from behind. Whirling around, she saw the bushes near the edge of the clearing moving. Something was coming. Something big. She crouched in readiness, a snarl on her lips. This close to the city, there shouldn’t be any liphons. Right? As she unsheathed her claws, ready to fight, she saw a terrified Rodian break out of the underbrush, a speartip prodding him from behind. She relaxed. Just another off-worlder caught sticking his snout where it didn’t belong. 

Behind the Rodian, a male Togorian nimbly stalked out of the underbrush. She didn’t recognize him, but that wasn’t unusual. Only cubs and Togorianesses lived in Caross. The males only came during the breeding season, or to drop off captives.

“Here you go. Caught him about a day’s walk away from here. No ship – must have been dropped off by one of the smugglers to scout a new base,” the Togorian said, with a purr.

“I told you! I crash landed!” the Rodian wailed.

The Togorian growled. “That’s what they all say. Well, the Margravess will figure out what to do with you. Anyway, s’ good to see you again Mrrrowl.”


“Grrrox? Is that you?”

“Mmmm, yep. Gotta go.”

Mrrrowl sunk her claws into his tunic. “Hold on, you’re not going anywhere. I haven’t seen you in three seasons and you can’t say two words to me? How have you been? I didn’t even recognize you! When did you grow a mane?”

He shifted uncomfortably. “Um, well, a lot of the older guys are doing it, so, I thought… does it look bad?” He scratched it, sheepishly. When he had first strode into the clearing, she hadn’t recognized the feline warrior. Now she could only see her brother, barely six seasons out of cubhood.

“No, it looks good! You should come over for dinner! Mum’s been worried sick about you.” She tried to pull him back, towards the city.

“Nah, that’s alright. I’ll see you next breeding season. Bye.” Deftly unhooking her claws, he slipped back into the undergrowth, leaving her yelling after him.

“Wait, come back! How are you? What have you been up to?? Grrrox! Grrrox!!!”

Cub of a bist. Most of the time she missed her brother and the other males she had befriended as a cub. But then she was reminded that they were all like this. No wonder the females couldn’t stand to live with them.

“Um, excuse me? What happens now?”

She had completely forgotten about the Rodian. “Come on mister, you’re going to the Margravess.”

“What happens then?”

She scowled. “That depends – if you really did just crash land here, you’ll be fine. You can take the next transport out of here. If not… well, you better hope the liphons are hungry.”

“The… whats? And why do I want them to be hungry?”

“When they’re hungry, they eat you faster. If they aren’t, they tend to, well, play with their food.” Just talking about it made her a little nauseous. She wasn’t the bloodthirsty type – she never enjoyed watching the public executions. And the last one… well, that was just gross.

He blanched. “Please! I can pay! I have rich friends, I can give you whatever you want!”

“Do you have a way out of here?”

The Rodian nodded vigorously. “Yes, yes, I sent out a distress signal as I was going down! My friend should be here in a few days to pick me up!”Mrrrowl smiled. Maybe, maybe, she had just found a ticket off this rock.

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Posted : 08/01/2023 2:52 am
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Posted : 04/04/2023 9:28 am