[Admin] Your post has scored 9 XP
Nice place, how did you get it?
It belongs to someone who owns us a favor. Clandestine meetings don´t need to be at dark dirty places.
I still do not like this. I know "The enemy of my enemy..." but these guys? We have some history.
I will offer them the carrot. Your presence will imply the stick.
ARGO Industries employee
I'm borrowing this build to show my friend, that he can still build fantasy AND Star Wars at the same time. I love how the 'additional asset' is hiding in the bushes. Haven't seen him at first.
But honestly: Who are 'those guys'?
Very nice design of the cottage, and great landscaping too
Are those Pyerce's men?! Ooo very interesting! Nice little shack as well!
Thank you all for the praise!
Yes, these guys are from the Pyerce Empire remnant.
ARGO Industries employee
Pyerce is back again! This remnant thorn in our sides just doesn't go away.
Great build, the droid really adds an ominous presence here.
It is good to see a varied terrain,
This is one of your better entries. Nice little cottage.
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
[Admin] Your post has scored 9 XP
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order