The Horror of Separ...
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[Solved] The Horror of Separation [LTC]

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Comander Rovern
Posts: 80
Trusted Member Crim Empire
Topic starter

This entry has earned 14XP (x2 from LTC)

On the Planet of Yavin IV...

"Mom! What's happening!."- Exclaimed Ben.

"This is what we have prepared you for, don't give them what they want son. Do not fear these Imps!"- Replied Marva.

"Quiet! Don't make me shot!"- Said DT- 809.

"If you even lay a hand on her, I will use your ashes as fertilizer."- Said Ron. 

"I would like to see you try, now keep it moving."- Replied DT 809. 

Meanwhile, in the House...

"Sir, we have taken the Rebels and are escorting them to our camp. The transmitter was found and we have extracted the information we need. Is there anything else you desire?"- Briefed Cm. Varlo. 

"Some Calamari shrimp and a fresh loaf of bread made from Lothalian wheat. No, there is nothing else we need, burn the house down and execute the parents. I want the children."- Replied Moff Rexum. 

"Yes sir!"- Ended Cm. Varlo.....



Left to Right: DT. 879, Dt. 809, Cm. Varlo, Ron, Marva, Jessie, Ben 

Hello once again my fellow builders! I am sorry that my LTC post are almost on the deadline but I sure you it is still Oct. 31 here! I wanted to do Yavin IV mostly because I asked Bjorn if we needed it and he said yes. These were fun, and I defiantly did not grind last night but its all good, the builds are here! Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Hail the Society, Hail the Empire!

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn
Posted : 01/11/2022 1:11 am
Darth Bjorn reacted
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Nice little house. The snot roof is a good detail, and you've made some original props. That's nice! I'd maybe pose the figs a little different than in a row - looks a bit like they're dancing 😉

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 02/11/2022 11:18 am
Comander Rovern
Posts: 80
Trusted Member Crim Empire
Topic starter

@darth-bjorn Thank you sir. I will defiantly do my figure posting different.

Posted : 02/11/2022 5:27 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

This entry has earned 14XP (x2 from LTC)

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 19/11/2022 11:54 am