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The Mines of Prakith (Part I)

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Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader
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The rumbling had finally ceased; TK-452, an experienced cave trooper of the Imperial Consortium, had been exploring a mine with a group of army troopers when the tunnel they were in experienced a sudden collapse. Most of the platoon was likely fine, but TK-452 and one of the army troopers had become separated from the main group. All of TK-452s equipment seemed intact, so he contacted the platoon leader.

“Sergeant Minno, this is TK-452, one of your troopers and I are on the other side of all this debris, please advise,” He said.

“Have either of you sustained any injuries?” Minno responded.

“Nothing major.”

“Alright then, according to my maps there should be a rail-car line just a half click from your position; follow it due east until you reach the processing center, we’ll have someone waiting for you there.”

“Understood Sergeant. And if we run into any insurgents?”

“Eliminate them if there aren’t too many, otherwise keep moving and stay alive.”

“Copy that.”

TK-452 turned to the trooper next to him. “What’s your designation, trooper?” he asked.

“JI-8364, but you can call me–”

“JI-8364 will do fine, follow me.”

The pair started down the tunnel. It was pitch black, with the exception of the area illuminated by lights from TK-452’s helmet. After a moment, JI-8364 let curiosity get the better of him and began asking questions.

“What’s it like, being a stormtrooper?”

TK-452 said nothing and continued walking.

“Is it true you guys don’t have emotions?”

TK-452 was amused, but showed no signs and still said nothing.

“Are you sure this is the right way?”

TK-452 stopped.

“Why are we stop–”

“Power off your blaster and put on your mask,” TK-452 ordered. “My sensors are picking up high levels of firedamp,” he added.

“We should be fine if we don’t shoot anything, right?” JI-8364 inquired.

“Or drop something, or brush up against the walls, or breathe the gas,” TK-452 answered.

“That isn’t very reassuring.”

The pair continued, hoping now more than ever that there were no insurgents in the mine; just because they knew not to shoot when there was firedamp, didn’t mean insurgents would know.

Posted : 13/05/2023 11:03 pm
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 29/05/2023 5:58 pm