[Admin] Entry Score | 12 XP
Location: The New Spice Refinery, Corellia
Year: 5ABY
Following the fall, the entire planet was overwhelmed with the remnants of a shattered Empire. A haven for the most vile, greedy, and repulsive characters from the Core System Worlds.
Danetta Pitta’s puppets conversed whilst the crates of spice were being prepared for shipment. Nyra stepped towards the balcony and reflected on her dirty surroundings. The spotchka calmed her nerves as she took position and gently gazed down the scope of her rifle. The sea breeze made the barrel sway as she searched for her target; the grotesque man known as Val Das, the Pyke's negotiator.
If the resistance was to succeed in stabilising the harbour, this man needed to be eliminated. Focused, calm, and ready, Nyra moved her crosshair over Val’s chest. “Take it!” cried Aayn’vida.
The shot echoed around the refinery and an agonising groan carried across the sea breeze. The scouts quickly dispersed, and Val’s lifeless corpse was left slumped on the cold floor.
Suddenly, an ear-splitting siren wailed, it was time to move!
You've really captured the industrial architecture in this entry. However it does look a little too clean, neat, and sunny to be the Corellia we know from Solo. Another pointer with a digital entry; be careful with bricks in colors that does not exist in real LEGO (like the Dr. Strange cloak). That said, the moc is really well done, and nice to look at. 😉
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
@darth-bjorn Thank you and noted. Any idea why the links are not showing the images? And who said there wasn't any sunny days in Corellia? 😀
@billsbrickz Well the sun does not make everything shiny - it makes all the dirt and shit even more visible... 😉
When pasting the link to your photo, it needs to be the direct URL to the image file. Not just a link to the flickr viewer. Example below:
Link to Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/186887445@N06/52260437264/
Link to the Image hosted on Flickr:
The trick is: Right Click on the image and click Copy Image Address, and paste that into this post...
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
Great first post, Bill. Welcome to the Followers! As I said on Discord, the water looks great with those large curved pieces. The pipe work is my other favourite feature.
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Absolutely smashing build, I really like the industrial feel and all of the structural elements
A nice looking digital build! But the atmosphere is a bit lacking, a blaster effect would have added that punch to the scene
[Admin] Entry Score | 12 XP
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order