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In orbit above Chandrila....
The Phoenix, a modified Arquitens-class command cruiser, this ship was gifted to Phoenix Squadron in the Triumvirate era. This ship has been modified by Commander Rovern himself with a full cloaking devise and newer weaponry to blast even more rebels! Phoenix Squadron love this ship and would do anything to protect it. The ship also has 5 tie fighter squadrons on it for scouting and more.Â
Loved building it and was my first mini scaled moc! Loved added backstory to it because Commander Rovern grew up on  Fondor so I figured he would know how to modify it. Long Live the Empire!
nice cruiser!
ARGO Industries employee
I see Arquitens I press a like button!
Picture from another angle would be nice addition.
Neat modification of the Arquitens. I'd maybe make smaller TIEs with that size... 😉
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
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Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order