The Scorekeepers Te...
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The Scorekeepers Temple

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After a couple days of traveling through the forests and swamps of Dosh, Girelvin Rendo a Makebian historian with a wooden leg and his companions Ikaerot Hunn a hylobon bodyguard and Cedie Tiilan an Iktochi adventurer finally arrived at the Scorekeepers temple of Hunting. 

Ikaerot took a last look down into the forest under the cliffs. He wanted to be sure that no one kept following them as he knew how holy the trandoshan traditions were for them. He has worked with some before as a bodyguard and he knew how good they could fight. 

They glazed upon the walls of this ancient site, astonished by its simple yet beautiful architecture and little details. Hunting trophies all over the place made the adventurers even more curious to enter the sacred grounds and scavenge it for some artifacts. 

Trandosha, also known simply as Dosh located in the Kashyyyk System in the Mid-Rim is the homeworld of Trandoshans, known for their profound hunting abilities.

Little did they know that trandoshans are as good at hunting as well as at hiding.

Three exceptional hunters from a tribe nearby have already scouted the relic enthusiasts from afar and were just waiting for a moment of surprise to capture them.
Kharez Fhall hiding on the far left signaled his hunting brothers that they should get ready to strike.
Quirl Bhar nodded and tightened the grip on his weapon.

And the last of the hunters, Thyzen Moth had a little raptor by his side, pet him on the head to get him ready and calmed down to fight. He is training the raptor to become his hunting beast.

They do not take it lightly if someone wants to break into their holy temples and take their history and hunting relics.



This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn

Member of the New Jedi Order

Posted : 08/10/2022 6:29 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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This entry has earned 9XP

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 15/10/2022 12:07 pm
Posts: 229
Reputable Member Followers of the Force

Cool build! It is really great to see a tall build with multiple different levels, makes it stand out from many largely flat builds we see and gives an imposing look. The figs are great and the olive plants a nice exotic feel.

Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 15/10/2022 6:12 pm
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

My favorite part of this are the characters - just really excellent, interesting looking figs!

Posted : 04/11/2022 5:02 am