The Small Things
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[Solved] The Small Things

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Wad slowly worked his way across the refresher, carefully mopping the floor to a glistening sheen. He took pride in his simple work. Once upon a time he’d had dreams of becoming one of the Bosses. Then he could make his world - and the whole galaxy - a better place. His mother always used to tell him, “Iffa every flower wanted to be a swamp-beamer, then the marshes would not be smellin’ a so nice!” It had taken him many years of frustration to finally understand what she meant and begin to accept his lot in life. 

A beep from below prompted him to smile. “Okaysa CL-N0, weesa almost done here.”

He knew what he did wasn’t very important. Other Gungans did grand things. His brother Wik had fought in the Gungan Grand Army during the Trade Federation occupation. And his nephew Jik-Jik was a bombad warrior with the Freedom Fighters. Usually, he was content with his simple, quiet life. But today, diplomats from several important worlds had come to Theed to discuss the troubling news that seemed to be seeping in from every corner of the galaxy. And Wad couldn’t help but feel incredibly small. 

He had never been clever or strong or brave. But some part of him still craved greatness – more than anything so that he could help those in trouble. He didn’t know much about all the big scary problems far from his world, but he did know that the bombad Bosses here today would be working to fix them. And here he was, mopping the floor, instead of helping the people of the galaxy. 

Suddenly, a sharp trill made him pause and look up from his work. What was CL-N0 up to now? As soon as he turned to the open door, he saw. Quickly bowing his head, he apologized deferentially. “Sorry Senator Corbana! Meesa almost done here.”

The young Nabooan woman smiled at him. “No need to apologize. I knew you were still working hard in here. I just wanted to say ‘thank you.’ I’ve seen how hard you’ve been working the past few days to get the Palace ready for the summit. I wanted to let you know that we couldn’t have done any of this without you.”

Wad smiled bashfully and hid his face behind his long earlobes - or haillu, as they were called. “Itsa nothin’ Senator.”

“Please, call me Jové. It’s Wad, isn’t it?”

“Yessa Senat- Missa Jové. Wad Hooss.”

“Well Wad, don’t let anyone tell you that what you do is nothing. True greatness consists simply in doing what is right with great love. So thank you.”

The Senator bowed her head to the humble janitor. “I have to go greet the other diplomats now. Please, keep up the good work, Wad.”

With a parting smile, she turned and left. Peeking out from his haillu, Wad watched her go, his face beaming. Although he struggled to see it sometimes, perhaps the Senator was right – perhaps his simple work really did matter. With the thanks of the Senator – a bombad Senator – still ringing in his ears, he redoubled his efforts, determined to do his small, but important, part as best he could. 

“Come on, CL-N0! Weesa needin’ to get to the windows next!”


Senator Jové Corbana and Janitor Wad Hooss

New Republic soldiers on patrol in the Royal Naboo Palace

This topic was modified 2 years ago by CyrusBuilds
This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn
Posted : 03/12/2022 3:35 am
Posts: 120
Trusted Member Followers of the Force

Love it!

Posted : 06/12/2022 1:26 am
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Posted : 07/12/2022 4:28 am
Posts: 229
Reputable Member Followers of the Force

Great wee story - very FF! The build itself is fun - I would have liked to have seen a non-human toilet in one of the stalls though! 😂

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Posted : 10/12/2022 12:38 am
Posts: 302
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Thank you! Haha, I'll have to think about that one next time!

Posted : 14/12/2022 4:27 am
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

I love this Gungan Janitor with all my heart

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 23/12/2022 8:34 pm
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Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 11/01/2023 8:30 pm