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The Temple of Castell | The Crimson War Part 9

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Trusted Member Ashlon Empire
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Castell was a planet in the core of the galaxy. Notorious for it’s red forests and snowy plains, Castell has a number of large cities inhabited by thousands of species from all over the galaxy. The Crimson Empire’s occupation of Castell has ran rather smoothly except for the numbers of New Republic’s failed attempts to prevent the invasion. However the Empress had quite a different goal on Castell. Centuries ago there has been a discovery in the age of the old republic. The discovery of an ancient temple in the mountain ridges of the planet. The information of this temple as well as it’s specific location is scathe. The Empress had most of her forces dispatched to deal with the New Republic’s opposition so she calls to Moff Ashlon with a final mission of finding the long lost temple.


The searches of this temple were monitored directly under Ashlon’s command and after some time he has finally reached the unexplored mountain ranges of the planet. Feeling a strange calling, Ashlon set out by himself to explore the area and after some time has found a stone path. Following this path he walked through the tunnels in the mountains and has finally wandered into a yard with stone walls and statues, he carried on walking until he saw it. The doorway in the mountain. In front of the mountain two wolves stood guard, or so he thought until he realized they were just statues. The ground before the stairs leading to the temple looked like a battlefield or rather a graveyard. Hundreds of blades, spears and lightsabers laid around, freezing in the snow. Under the dark red tree laid a chest with armor plates and iron. Upon looking around, Ashlon noticed a familiar helmet - a mandalorian one. He realized that for centuries there have been duels by this temple, different warriors fighting to their death for what was stored behind those doors. 

Ashlon not daring to approach the doors contacts the Empress. “I have found it, the temple lays before my eyes”. “Send me your coordinates and wait for me there” “Whatever you do, do not enter the temple or approach the gates, the temple is cursed, the curse which led many great galactic warriors to their downfall” “Transferring the coordinates to you now, your highness, I shall await your presence here” “You have been of immeasurable help to me, Moff Ashlon, The Crimson Empire owes you” “You do not owe me anything your highness, but Lord Valtros” “Lord Valtros is old and foolish, Ashlon, you on the other hand are young and ambitious, qualities of the real leader” “I will settle my debt with Valtros in my own way, as for you, ask for anything your heart desires” “What I desire?” “Indeed, tell me your wishes and I shall see to them that they become reality” “I desire my own Empire, I desire to command armies and control” “So it is power you seek, hmm, very well, you shall have your Empire and your armies” “I will assist you with your new Empire as long as it does not undermine any of my Empire’s plans” “I thank you your highness” “And I thank you, Lord Ashlon of the upcoming Ashlon’s Empire”. 


The transmission ended. Ashlon stood there in disbelief, never was he able to so clearly announce his plans and desires. This place and this temple did something to him, the spirits of the corrupted warriors that died here affected him. After some time the Crimson Empress has arrived. Her red robes cloaking the ground behind her, every step filled with grace of her status, her presence was instantly felt. She laid her hand on Ashlon’s shoulder and began walking up the temple’s stairs. Soon she has reached the doors and placed her hand on the handle. The Crimson Empress is at the gates!


Picture edited by the legendary Mark!


Inspiration and additional pics:
Posted : 08/10/2023 10:42 pm
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Posted : 09/10/2023 6:12 pm
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Posted : 25/10/2023 8:38 am