The Wilds of Togori...
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The Wilds of Togoria

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Most of Togoria was largely undeveloped. Thinking the Togorians to be a primitive – and therefore weak – people, smugglers often attempted to use the planet for drops and meet-ups. This was a mistake. The Togorians were a proud people, simple but warlike, who looked unfavorably on any uninvited guests to their planet. With only a handful of cities – where the females of the species resided – most of Togoria was inhabited by wandering nomadic groups of male Togorians. This unlucky Rodian was apprehended by one such group. Intruders are usually spared death – but only the first time they are caught.


Grrrox sniffed the air. Definitely not Togorian. Whoever he was tracking, they weren’t from around here. They couldn’t be far off now.

His ears twitched as a noise reached them – splashing water? Silently, he sprang into the bushes on his right and raced to the river. Yes… there was someone – or something – splashing about in the water. Cautiously approaching, he peered through the underbrush, gripping his spear tightly in his paws. He feared no creature – but Togoria was home to many dangerous beasts. And outsiders wielded fierce weapons. A reptilian alien – Grrrox did not know what kind,  they were all intruders to him – spluttered and tried to extricate itself from the lake. It did not appear to be brandishing any of the laser-spitting weapons he had seen before. Stalking forward, he waited until the alien was nearly at the bank before charging it, leveling his spear at the creature’s snout.

He growled. The alien quivered in fear, raising its hand in the air to show it was unarmed. Pity. He would have enjoyed a good fight. Unfortunately, the laws were clear. He couldn’t kill him now. Instead, he’d have to make the journey to Caross, the capital of Togoria, and turn him over to the more civilized, but still ferocious, females of his kind.

Perhaps, if he was lucky, he’d get to see his sister, Mrrrowl. He hadn’t seen her in – what was it, three seasons already? It would be nice to see her.

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This topic was modified 2 years ago by CyrusBuilds
Posted : 08/01/2023 2:45 am
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader

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Posted : 04/04/2023 9:28 am