Through the Looking...
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[Solved] Through the Looking Glass

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Trusted Member Haelos Star Yards
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  It was a quiet night on Chandrila. People had slowly started gathering on the Agroworld-turned-political-centre over the past weeks.

  Hayk had arrived with the Hapan delegation a three days ago, and most of the proceedings at the conference had been uneventful and uninteresting up until this point. The facility where ships were being moored and lodgings provided was connected to the conference hall, and had a good view of Chandrila's best farmland. During the night, as Hayk did some rounds around the facility, he found himself up on a terraced building. A cool, yet pleasant breeze met him as it moved through the crops, which swayed like waves on a treacherous ocean. In the past couple days, a few guests had caught his eye; a couple Imperial remnant delegations had been skulking about after the sun had gone down. He had seen one remnant group meeting with some hotshot who liked capes. Hayk wasn't sure if he was some kind of smuggler or a politician of some sort, but he had taken an unwarranted and unreciprocated interest in the Queenmother's daughter. Hayk had a feeling that this guy was some sort of unsavoury character, and his meeting after-hours with Imperials made this impression stronger in his mind. Another group had just recently landed, and were speaking with the New Republic welcoming delegation in the hangar. This second remnant looked more serious, and like a more structured group than he'd seen so far. Unlike the other remnant groups, which lived off of the fading visage of the former Empire, this group seemed to represent a new kind of the same thing.

    Chirp crooned in a few bird-call-like noises, insinuating he wanted to power down for the night. Hayk and the droid walked down the steps back into the facility. There was a long day of 'festivities' ahead tomorrow, which probably meant another boring day of meaningless political discussions and very little action.


  A mysterious figure raised his rifle, poising to acquire his target. He had mere seconds to act; his intel told him that the Hapan delegation was meant to meet with the New Republic dignitary Ma Gahithda and security officer Darem any moment. Behind a visor, a forked tongue flicked, and sets of eyes blinked before resuming their focus through the scope. There, the figure sat, with a finger hovering over the trigger, releasing their breath to steady their weapon.

  Suddenly, the rifle flicked up, and was out of the assassin's hands before he could flex his trigger finger. The rifle clattered on the ground a bit out of reach, and before he knew it, a sword was at his throat. A light chirp rang out from a small droid standing behind someone in dark armour and a red, T-shaped visor in his helmet.

  Hayk stared into the metallic visor, and, despite his helmet, tried to put on an intimidating look. He spoke to the would-be assassin in a voice that matched his expression.

  'Well, well... It looks like we will have to have a talk.

  Chirp unsuccessfully tried to make intimidating droid noises, and Hayk smiled behind his mask. He pulled the assassin up, spun him around harshly, and put binders around the man's wrists. Hayk took the man for a walk of shame, down towards the hangar.

  The New Republic delegation approached, welcoming the Hapans as they did the same.

  The Queenmother's daughter heard a slight scuffling sound, and a faint beep of a droid. A glance at her mother showed that she had heard it as well, even though she showed no real reaction. Both were silent.

  'Good morning,' Ma Gahithda began. 'I am sorry we haven't been able to speak much since you arrived the other day. I trust that your lodgings are pleasant enough.'

  'I am sorry as well,' the Queenmother replied cordially. 'Yes. Your hospitality has been well appreciated. I'm sure the Mandalorian would agree that your hospitality far surpasses that of Hapes.'

  'How is your Mandalorian friend? I hope the fruit-basket was alright. All of the food in it, and for the whole summit, was grown in the orchards and fields surrounding the conference hall.'

  Conversation continued on like this for a short time, then switched to speak of how the Hapes Consortium was welcome to join the New Republic, and that their sovereignty would be respected. After more pleasantries, the two parties parted, and the Queenmother stood with the rest of her delegation, looking out over the fields, rippling in a slight wind like a sea of gold. Some footsteps approached and ascended the stairs to the terrace, and a voice murmured in protest as it was led up the stairs.

  'I found this guy up on the roof of the hangar,' Hayk informed the Queenmother.

  'It looks like I was right to bring you on our trip here, after all,' the Queenmother said, as she looked into her would-be killer's shiny visor, then said in an unpleasantly pleasant tone of voice, 'We'll need to have a chat when we get back to Hapes.' The Hapan guards took the assassin away, and the Queenmother went with them, followed by her attendant, and some guy who Hayk hadn't been properly introduced to, but always hung around with the Queenmother. The Queenmother's daughter remained on the terrace with Hayk and Chirp.

  'Thank you. I guess I was wrong to question you being here.'

  She turned to the small droid, and gave it a gentle pat.

  '...And then there was this little guy... Were you intimidating that nasty man?' she said in a tone that some would use for a pet.

  Chirp chirped gleefully.

  'Yeah... he sure gave it a try, anyways.'

  The trio turned to walk in the direction the rest of the delegation had gone.

  As they began walking, the Queenmother's daughter asked curiously, 'What did you think about the fruit-basket?'





This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy
Posted : 26/02/2022 8:17 am
RocketBoy reacted
Posts: 23
Rising Member Pirate Collective

This is really good and cool. So many intricate details. I especially like the rounded area. I also like how you slowly revealed all that this build has to offer. It was a fun journey.

Posted : 26/02/2022 4:40 pm
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

All I could wish for is a solid pic of the whole thing, because this is super cool. I love the rounded sections, I love the farmland, I love that triangular wall, and I really enjoyed the story! It's all so clean. This might be my single favorite of your builds ever! Amazing work.

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 02/03/2022 4:36 am
Posts: 56
Rising Member Mandalorian

A fantastic build, so many nice details here with a great story to boot!

Posted : 02/03/2022 7:58 am
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Nice build. I have a hard time navigating the angles, a few overview shots would be nice. But, I'll also say that the many different levels and sides is what makes it interesting. 👍 

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 05/03/2022 2:02 pm
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

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Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 09/03/2022 5:12 am