First the TIC launched a fake attack on the planet of Chandrila. This drew away the core sector fleet which typically protected Coruscant. The new republic most likely believed that their capital planet even without the protective fleet was untouchable, this would be tested……
The Galactic Empire's TIE Interdictor bomber had wings and a command module which were nearly identical to those found on a TIE/sa bomber and TIE Heavy Bomber. However, the command module was flanked on both sides by a pair of ordnance pods, for a total of four.[2] They could also include enhanced sensors.[3]
The ship was piloted by one individual, and was equipped with shields, largely to ensure that their payload arrived at their destination. The armor was stronger than other TIE models, but the craft did not include a hyperdrive. The TIE Interdictor was armed with linked laser cannons and ordnance pods, able to carry 12 concussion missiles, homing missiles or proton torpedos. The ship also had twin linked versions of the TIE/sa bomber's proton bomb bays.[1] Their ordnance could also be expanded to include plasma torpedoes, flechette torpedoes, advanced homing missiles, cluster mines, and ion bombs.
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