Time to Rent a Spee...
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[Solved] Time to Rent a Speeder Bike

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Dormant Mandalorian
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Following up on what Mawi had told Led, it was time to head out of the city and look for these imperial remnants that were possibly moving some Beskar out in the open areas.   Of course Led could take his starship and look for them, but it would be extremely noticeable, and that wasn’t the point of today’s mission.   So he needed a different ride and something that wouldn’t stick out so much.  So it was time head to the rental speeder place in town.

Led headed to the Hertz on Ord Sigatt.   It was a new location that had just opened up on this planet.  As he walked to the location he wondered if they would treat him well as all the other Hertz locations had treated him well.  As a loyal renter, Led would often get an upgrade or two when he showed up.  The agents had always recognized that as a Mandolorian he always needed something bigger than what he had reserved.  And they would give it to him as a recognition of his loyalty to the chain.

As he approached the location and went in, any hopes he had of getting an upgrade were dashed.   The agents were all droids. 

“Dang droids” Led thought.

“Reservation for Led Nem “ he said to the droid behind the counter.

“I have no such reservation” responded the droid.

“Led Nem of Clan Rau” he said again a little on the agitated side.

“I have no reservation for a Led Nem” replied the droid.  “I have one for a Nem Led”

“That’s me” he replied.

“But you said your name was Led Nem, not Nem Led” came back the droid.

Realizing that any chance at an upgrade was long lost, Led lost his cool.  “That’s me you giant bucket of separatist bolts.  Learn to process things correctly.  That is how my name looks in the system.  If it wasn’t for this stupid pandemic that is going around the galaxy this place would be staffed by someone who had brain cells instead of a bunch of wires and poor programing.”

“But you are Led Nem, not Nem Led” the droid insisted. 

“Look, either fix your programming, or I will fix it for you!” Led said reaching for his blaster. 

The droid realizing that it didn’t want to be vaporized said.  “I see, let me get you the keys to the speeder bike.”

Another droid approached and took Led to the speeder bike.  The droid called over a GONK droid to help power up the speeder bike.

Led saw that it was a new speeder bike.  This would be perfect for his scouting trip.  The droid went on and on about the features of the bike and kept pushing the insurance.  Eventually, all was done and Led was ready to head on his way.

This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by RocketBoy
Posted : 22/03/2022 8:36 pm
Posts: 229
Reputable Member Followers of the Force

I really like that vine-covered canopy/trellis. Nice story too - had a chuckle at the Hertz reference!

Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 23/03/2022 9:23 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Great color palette, and the vines is a nice touch. The speeders could use a little more work, and then lastly, the doorway also feels very SWy to me. Good entry!

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 29/03/2022 6:40 pm
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

[Admin] This entry has scored 8 XP.

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 10/05/2022 8:42 pm